
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Billboards Save Lives!

" pregnancy resource center in Cincinnati reported that Protecting Black Life's Roll Call campaign helped save two babies from abortion last week. The mothers had seen the billboards, opening the door for heartfelt, honest conversation about the risks of abortion. 'I pray and hope you can keep up the campaign," the staff member wrote. 'Women in our community deserve to know these truths.'"

I am on the run today but wanted to put these quotes with this picture of the billboard.  The billboards are no longer up but I pray that there will be another run of them in the future.  It really is sad and amazing that with all the technology at our fingertips in 2014, that people are not aware of basic prenatal development AND the ignorance of deaths and numerous injuries from abortion.  The thing is it takes curiosity and I am not sure we have a lot of that in a large supply with certain-aged groups. 

“Today it is possible for almost any patient to be brought through pregnancy alive, unless she suffers from. a fatal disease such as cancer or leukemia, and if so, abortion would be unlikely to prolong, much less save.. the life of the mother.” -Alan Guttmacher, former Planned Parenthood president, 1987.
“People do not realize that there are thousands of serious physical complications from abortion every year in this country.”–Dr. Bernard Nathanson, OB Gyn. – former American abortionist and abortion-rights advocate.
“The impact of abortion on the body of a woman who chooses abortion is great and always negative.
I can think of no benefit of a social abortion on a [woman’s] body.” – Daniel J. Martin, M.D.
“In medical practice, there are few surgical procedures given so little attention and so underrated in its potential hazards as abortion. It is a commonly held view that complications are inevitable.” – Warren Hern, Boulder, CO abortionist.

Saturday, October 11, 2014


The staff at Plaza Hotel are not having a good week.  The hotel that gives discounts to women who are aborting their babies and shuttling them to the abortion mill, is not happy that they are getting a bit of publicity.  As one person pointed out, "they are getting free publicity....and they are whining about it!" Why is that?  As it was pointed out, the hotel owner agreed to this arrangement to do business with abortionists so why are they not proud to publicize their business relationship?  The staff in place apparently do not seem to have a problem with this relationship with the abortion mill either.  Why are they not using this as one of their amenities for Yelp and TripAdvisor?  I am really not being facetious.  Seriously, if they believe they are providing a service that is so wonderful and helpful, why are they not highlighting this business connection?    

For those of you who are not aware of this story, here is the original post with links for background.
Plaza Inn Hotel....abortion hotel

The group of concerned citizens gathered in front of the hotel to warn guests that the hotel had a connection with the local abortionists.   I know that I would be personally grateful to know this information.   I would not want to subject my family (especially young children or teens) to the possible encounter of a woman going through the abortion process in the next room.  You could probably think of some possible scenarios of complications that could arise with this situation.  If you have children who you wanted to protect from seeing or hearing things you do not want to have to explain, you may be with me on this.

The staff at Plaza Inn asked the group to just not "protest THIS week" but next week was fine.  The hot air balloon festival was taking place so they were expecting a lot of people. Again, I think the more people who know about their connection with abortionists, the better.  The staff called the police but were very surprised to learn that the group was within their rights to gather there on public property.  The last report I read was a name change for the Plaza Inn.  Yes, indeed, the staff came out to the group and told them that they were changing the name of Plaza Inn.  Hmmm.  That is a huge cost when you think of things like letterhead, stationery, licenses, advertising, etc.  Seriously?  They still have the address of 900 Medical Arts Ave, NE.   Name change or not, people need to know that their idea of hospitality involves the complicity in killing babies (and possibly mothers) whether they shuttle the woman to the abortion facility or whether the process is finalized in one of their hotel rooms.  There is nothing neutral about any of that.  I reiterate....what part of hospitality in the hotel industry allows the unborn guests to be slaughtered? 

I have a great idea.  Plaza Inn does not have to change their name at all and they could rid themselves of the groups in an instant permanently.  Here is my idea.  Completely dissolve the relationship with the abortion facility.  Do not give discounts and do not shuttle anyone to the abortion facility.  Do not have ANY connection with any of the abortionists in town.  That is so breathtakingly simple.

If they ever do repent of this evil, then I do suggest a name change.  Do an overhaul of the place and call it The Good Samaritan Inn.  

Friday, October 10, 2014

License Revoked! Steven Chase Brigham

So glad to be home again!  I have had some sweet travels in the past 2 weeks but now it is good to be home for a while. 

I came back to the news of Steven Chase Brigham's last license getting revoked.  My initial reaction was mixed.  It IS pretty good news and it is hard not to feel excited that the authorities have taken notice and are holding him accountable (for a change as there are so many abortionists who would be shut down immediately today if the authorities really cared about health).   It IS heartening to think that his 8 facilities could shut down in New Jersey.  We certainly need to pray for the other places in Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania to shut down as well.

In all the reading I have done on this abortionist, there seems to be a pattern.  His license gets revoked or surrendered in different states but this does not stop him.  Will they seriously shut down his mills?  Even if they do, what will be his next move?  He is still  young enough (not at an age of retirement) and he seems to be pretty determined to continue his trade of killing babies (by the way, even abortionists admit they know that they are killing babies so we both call it as it is.  They just lie to the women and tell her it is not a baby yet.  To admit to the women that there is a baby involved is to kiss hundreds/thousands of dollars goodbye). 

Anyway, Brigham's pattern is to find a new state and start his business again in a new location.  The state of Maryland claimed they did not know about his shop in Elkton.  They initially went after him after discovering 30 babies in the freezer, but a key witness got intimidated and backed out of testifying against him.  That is not too surprising with the abortion cartel.

In Pennsylvania, Brigham just rolled his business into his mother's name to avoid the authorities since they ordered him to not commit any more abortions in their state. 

Brigham's Death Caravan 

Brigham has had licenses revoked or surrendered in New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, and California.  Considering how it is so difficult to hold abortionists accountable, you know it has to be REALLY bad when they actually revoke abortionists' licenses.  FIVE states have recognized and that Brigham should not be anywhere near a pregnant woman. 

So it is with wariness when I see these things taking place.  Will they really shut down 8 abortion mills?  They should and that is where the prayer comes in because I know it will be God who permanently shuts them down and makes sure those properties are sold to businesses who would never be involved with abortion.   Who ever thought Martin Haskell's property would be up for sale?  http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/symbol-of-victory-haskells-sharonville-abortion-building-for-sale/Haskell's Place of Hell

Haskell was known for inventing the partial-birth abortion aka the D & E procedure.  He admitted that 80% of the women who sought late-term abortions were not doing so because of fetal anomalies which is a common claim by the pro-abortion side.  Clinic Quotes


Like with any abortionist or worker, Brigham and Haskell are messed up.  They need a Savior and they need transformation.  Only God knows what that will take and when if it ever happens.  I always wonder if their hearts are too hardened to receive Him.  Are they past redemption because of a seared consciences?   Dr. Nathanson had 75,000 abortions in his past, including his own baby's abortion.  I pray they are not too far gone.  Prayer is a powerful force.  I believe in it wholeheartedly because I have seen it work over and over for years.  With God, it is not impossible for these abortionists to be saved.  The only question is, will they continue to reject Jesus to the very last breath?  They have that free will to do so. 

Who ever thought of Paul having a conversion?  I think of him when I think of abortionists because when you think of people who are the least unlikely to be totally transformed by Jesus (and it can be in an instant!), Paul comes to mind right away.  Earlier this year, I heard the testimony of Dr. Haywood Robinson and his wife, Dr. Noreen Johnson.  Both were abortionists and they became Christians and stopped performing abortions.  Their transformation by Jesus led them to be voices for the unborn.  Dr. Johnson gave a heartfelt apology, as a former abortionist, to all the people in the room who had ever suffered an abortion.  That is restitution. 

Romans 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.