
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Every Day Is Thanksgiving to a Christian

We just recently celebrated Thanksgiving last Thursday.  As the day was quite busy with preparing the turkey and all the accompaniments,  and with enjoying our family and friends, I didn't sit down and post here.  To me, I think all the tryptophan is in pumpkin pie, not turkey.  It pretty much renders me weak as if Superman had Kryptonite pajamas.

Still, nearly a week later (pumpkin pie is now gone and the scraps of turkey are now wrapped in a small parcel of tinfoil),  I am thankful.  Yes, thankful for food, clean water, shelter and loved ones, but most importantly for Jesus Christ.  Every day is a day of thanks for the Christian.  We rejoice in the day and are glad in it and we are grateful to our Lord and Savior for laying His life down willingly to pay the penalty we cannot pay.  We can't out-love or out-give God.  It's difficult sometimes to receive gifts, isn't it?  "Oh you shouldn't have!"  "I hope you didn't go to any trouble!"  "I hope you didn't spend too much". It's a mixture of joy, delight and slight embarrassment maybe!  Sometimes we feel that automatic obligation to "pay back".  God doesn't want that from us.  When He gave His gift of His only begotten Son, He wanted us to receive fully and without reservation.  He doesn't want to us cast His gift aside.  Just accept....no obligation, no paying back (we can't no matter how much we do, it will never be enough or be good enough), no comments to God other than "Thank You, Lord, for Your Son".   He knows we have wicked, fickle hearts, prone to getting caught up in burning emotions, fleeting thoughts/beliefs of our own worldly understanding....our finite, little, self-absorbed in-the-flesh moments.  He knows what we are and how we behave.And yet while we were His enemies (sinners), Christ died for us because of His deep love for usI am continually blown away by this fact.  So, for me, as a Christian, EVERY day is Thanksgiving!!!

Today, give thanks to God by accepting and believing in His indescribable gift of His Son, Jesus Christ and the indescribable gift of eternal life!
2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
John 1:12 As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God

This story below touched my heart.....may it touch yours also!
 Thanksgiving Miracle


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