This week there have been many conversations on prayer with friends. We see people like Carhart and Gosnell and their workers and we see how hardened they are. Dr. Bernard Nathanson's heart was very hardened and so have been many other abortionists, abortion nurses and staff.
In many cases, abortion workers have become pro-life and even have turned their lives over to Christ for the forgiveness and repentance of what they had done. They have sought healing in Jesus Christ and in turn have been granted the peace of Jesus Christ for their tortured minds, souls and memories of their pasts.
Many would shirk at the thought that a Carhart or a Gosnell-type abortionist could ever come to Christ or that they should be forgiven of their heinous acts. Only God knows these abortionists' hearts if they actually do. It's not to say they still won't reap the consequences of their actions. Gosnell may get prison time or even the death penalty, Carhart could suffer consequences of a different stripe. Full restoration COULD be possible. If that ever happens, shouldn't they expect the peace of God's forgiveness as we have with God forgiving us of our sins? It's like Paul of Tarsus....we would have that suspicion that many had about Paul. "He was killing Christians just days ago....can we really trust him to really be one of His now?" I wonder how people interacted with Dr. Nathanson after he became pro-life and a believer. By some, he must have been a turncoat. To some in the pro-life circles, it probably took them a long time to determine his credibility and sincerity.
Well, it hasn't happened yet for other abortionists. Gosnell and Carhart are remorseless and there's the possibility that they both might reject Jesus even to the very last breath. We really don't know. It looks really bad in that it seems maybe they may not even suffer any consequences from an earthly justice system. Carhart's walking free, along with many other abortionists (Sharpe, Sella, Hern, Chase) and Gosnell possibly could walk free. While that is really hard to believe, it's still very possible. Dr. William Baxter Waddill walked free and to read the account, it looked very open-and-shut case. Yet, not only did he walk free, he didn't lose his license, get slapped with any penalties or reprimands and went back to committing abortions. Could that happen to Gosnell? It boggles the mind to think that it could repeat but many were pretty surprised when Casey Anthony was declared not guilty.
Please don't think I am all puppies, kittens, rainbows and warm fuzzies about these cold-blooded, remorseless killers. I am not set to bake a batch of brownies and deliver them with a bouquet of balloons with a card saying, "Cheer up, things are going to work out okay!" I am thoroughly horrified, sickened, disgusted and appalled by the depths of deviancy they continue to display. Gosnell is calm and arrogant with not a hint of feeling for his maimed and murdered victims. Carhart, likewise, remains calm and arrogant, laughing about the intricacies of his bloody vocation. They will never really receive the earthly level of true retribution they deserve for what happened to those babies and women.
I am not talking vengeance. Gosnell will get 3 square meals a day, he'll have a bed to sleep in and he'll acclimate to prison life if he gets that. Those babies gasped for air and then they experienced the worst pain possible that any human being could experience. Those women who were part of the Mother's Day Massacre with the"super coil" experiment at the hands of Gosnell suffered too. No, Gosnell will get far better treatment than those babies and women.
It all seems so hopeless. It's very easy to just throw up our hands in despair and want to give up on the world. Give up on those abortionists. Think up terrible ways for them to be paid back for what they did. Those abortion nurses.....forget them. Those abortion workers. WHO cares???? Let them all just end up in Hell. So what? It can be very easy to just put them all out of our minds and tend to other things. After all, isn't American Idol on in about 10 minutes, dear? Isn't there a crop to be harvested on Farmville? It's easy for me to say those things because I partake in neither but you can name my time-waster/weakness and I'll probably agree.....I just don't want to think about trials and abortion right now. It is all too much and I just want it all to go away. Those abortionists....sigh....."I just don't care".
Today, as I was doing my reading, I came across an article and I almost didn't click on it. The title grabbed me and the word "deathscort" popped up. A "deathscort" is a term given to a person who helps the woman bypass all the pro-life sidewalk counselors to ensure they are escorted into the abortion mill. I have read many accounts by pro-lifers in describing "deathscorts" and they are sometimes every bit as nasty-acting as the abortionists themselves. I don't know if they get kickbacks from the abortions or it's just purely volunteer. Either way, they take part in contributing to death.
So here is the link of a testimony which really moved me and has been on my mind all day.
Laura's Testimony
Here's another testimony that I came across recently: Deborah's Testimony
Obviously these women both recognized they were far from Jesus and needed forgiveness. I love the testimonies of abortionists who have become pro-life warriors now. These people often fear ostracization or unemployment but God will provide the means to overcome any obstacle. God can work through anyone mightily once they recognize their need for a Savior and surrender their lives to Him!!
Finally, my last link to share Behind-the-scenes of the Kermit Gosnell trial
Consider these testimonies and pray for the transformed lives!! It's hard for the finite human brain to comprehend a Kermit Gosnell, a LeRoy Carhart (and others like them) to be cleansed by the blood of Jesus and a citizenship of Heaven. I admit my own difficulty in this although I try my best to envision it for others (especially those who are super hostile to Christ....Bill Mahar, for example). I want to see restoration! Stephen and Paul are now in Heaven together, praising Jesus. Could anyone envision that when Saul was dragging men and women out of their homes and committing them in prison? I charge you, keep praying for these chief sinners!
1 Timothy 1:12-17
And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, although I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief. And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. However,
for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might
show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe
on Him for everlasting life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.
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