
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Are You Ready for a DUEL?

So I am staring at this blank box wondering what to type.  What story?  What angle?   I don't feel clever or blog savvy.  I don't have a story of surviving or of whistleblowing on any abortion cartel (chain, independent or hospitals).  All I have really is passion and conviction and even that is questionable as to levels and degrees.  Why am I not out there right now doing anything?

This is the weekend we "pro-lifers" (more on those "quotes" later), observe the devastating landmark decision of Roe vs. Wade.  We don't mention Doe vs Bolton which came out the same day (but we should).  We are in 2013 and our nations has seen over the past 40 years, over 55 million babies slaughtered in the United States alone.  We honestly do not know the true numbers as not all abortions are reported and we are only recognizing the surgical abortions.

Oh no.....55 million!!!  One would think that a number like that would wake up some people.  Yet, it doesn't.   We have a nation of people who are spiritually dead.  You want to poke them to see if they respond with any signs of life.  You tap them on the head and yell..."Hellooooo, McFly!!!" We quip, "I never thought I would never see a life example of the Tin Man." No reaction.  No brain, no heart.  I have been there myself though.  One of our family's favorite movies is the "Princess Bride".   Warning: spoilers.

Spiritually DEAD!  Well, I was "mostly dead" (as Princess Bride's character Miracle Max would explain).   Yes, but that's not the same as "slightly alive".   Are there any "slightly alives" out there? Do I hear you exhale "true looooove"? There's still hope.  There's a part where the near-dead Wesley has been given the antidote but his body is still limp and he needs to be carried around by Inigo and Fezzik.   At different points, we see his progression of strength.  We could see ourselves in that progression of spiritual deadness as well.   For me, it was a long journey (VERY LONG).

In one scene, Wesley is lying on the bed and we suspect that while he is wide awake, he is still in his weakened state.  Until Prince Humperdink shows up who challenges him to duel. We recognize that Wesley could be bluffing.  Certainly Prince Humperdink doesn't know Wesley's true state of strength.  Wesley does get up and draw his sword.  In a sense that is the pro-life group....they have been showing slow progression of strength.   On a personal note, I would have to say I am still on that bed, wide awake but not really moving much.  I AM moving....just not to FULL capacity.  Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief. 

The Humperdink character realizes that he faces a swarthy enemy.  He is fearful and backs down. Although, the abortion cartel does not back down.  Satan does not give up. He just tries different approaches but he never gives up.  The abortion cartel IS fearful of the growing strength of the pro-life faction.  They realize that it's only getting stronger and they have certainly lost ground. They have admitted this in a recent Times magazine article.  They have the castle, they have the prince's storehouse of riches and resources.  They just don't have the same following of the subjects as before.  The subjects are wiser now and many have defected to the good side.  The heart and belief system for killing innocents is not there anymore.

We don't have the riches, the stronghold of the castle but we are gaining strength.  We have some of the kingdom but not all of it.  Many of us are lying on that bed....some are truly still without strength and some are just about to move off that bed, ready to duel.  "DROP YOUR SWORD!!!"

Recently the abortion cartel have bandied about changing their euphemism.   For the longest time, they used the term "pro-choice" and they called people who were against abortion "anti-choice".  I won't go into the long discussion of descriptions here.  You can read it for yourself here though:

I do believe that the term pro-life isn't all that it should be either.  In my discussion with people who claim to be pro-life, one finds that they aren't so very pro-life. If anything, they are pro-abortion with some exceptions.  Here's the standard though.  ZERO abortions.  One is too many and never necessary.  ZERO abortion globally is the goal.  Hey, with God, ALL things are possible!!!!  We live in a fallen world and as long as the sinners are alive and breathing, we know that people will continue to sin so abortion is not going anywhere for awhile.   Realize that there WILL be one day with no abortions, no Planned Parenthood, no NARAL,and no need for sidewalk counselors or sidewalk prayer vigils.  It's called Heaven.  That is fact.  Do I believe we can have zero abortions on earth?  Yes, I do.  Again, it's only with God could that happen. Is it likely?  With humans in rebellion to God, no, it is not likely.

I realize I just tumbled into the Fire Swamp and ran into "Rhetorics of Unusual Size" (Pro-Choice terms).

So where are you?   Are you Wesley lying on the bed...fully awake and aware but not in action?  Are you slowly getting up ready to duel?  Are you duelling?   Or are you still back in the castle dungeon, in the pit of death?   I pray you are not on Humperdink's side!!!!!  That WILL be the losing side.....just read what happens to Satan in Revelation.

If you are ready to duel, I highly recommend going to Abolish Human Abortion's webpage. I wouldn't say they eschew the pro-life label but they are taking it to a phenomenal level of action.   There are always detractors on their Facebook page in all forms.  Satan loves to divide and he'll use anyone to make sure advances are not made.  You'll see that if you "like" their Facebook page.  Their page is not just about selling drop cards, bracelets, shirts and decals.  Abolish Human Abortion is just that......ABOLISHING HUMAN ABORTION!!!  They mean it.  Talk to them.  Read their blog.  Find out what you can do to abolish human abortion.  For you, it might be as small as sharing cards with others who are are still in the spiritually dead state.  For you, it might be setting up your local Abolitionist Society. 

My analogy of the Princess Bride may be a lighthearted attempt to have you recognize how you and I can be of more awareness of our action or inaction in standing up.  I pray we become more effective.  However, there is no lightheartedness in the business and evil actions of abortion.

The thought came across that I am maybe being too lighthearted in rallying the ones who have not taken action.  Have you seen the photos of the babies?  Have you read the accounts of filth at places like Gosnell's house of horrors? Gosnell's House of Horrors .  There is a new documentary called "3801 Lancaster" Sometimes, people see those pictures and they have no effect to cause people to go into action.  Whether you get up and fight due to movie analogies or the most gruesome story.....the reality is that somewhere the brain gets engaged, the heart is obtained,  and the soul awakens.  Holy Spirit, fill us!!! 

 I search and research this subject to know what is going on in my nation and the world as well.  I come across the ugliest pictures, the nastiest articles and the most evil actions.  Just when I think the human race can go no lower, I find an article that proves me wrong.  The more I search and see these things, the more I want to do.  Please pray, please read your Bible, please check out these websites that I included in the article and at the bottom of my blog.  Check out the documentaries (some are free online).  Maybe just take ONE action that you have never done before.  Be a voice for the voiceless and be a defense for the defenseless.  Watch on the wall, stand in the gap and shout. 

James 4:17  Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin

2 Corinthians 12:8-10  Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me.  And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


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