March 23, 2012 is the premier for the pro-life film "October Baby".
My husband and I were fortunate to be able to attend a sneak preview a little while back. OF COURSE, I am not going to give any spoilers. I have included a trailer for you all!
John Schneider (I am dating myself when I mention his early fame in "Dukes of Hazzard") portrays the father and Jasmine Guy (once again, I am dating myself when I admit that we watched "A Different World" and "The Cosby Show" when it was brand-new) has a cameo as the nurse. She delivers a very powerful scene which is my favorite part of the movie. Again, no spoilers but the movie is sensitively- written and directed given the subject matter. It's obvious I don't write movie reviews for a living but one theme that was addressed in "October Baby" is forgiveness. This was a healing film for one of the actors and I do not have doubt that it will offer that to many of the audience members as well.
I have seen quite a few pro-life films now. It's a subject for another day when you think of some movies that weren't meant to have a pro-life message originally. Most of the films I see are documentaries. "Blood Money", "Eggsploitation", "Maafa 21" and even "180" all are documentaries. One dvd I highly recommend is "The Truth Behind Abortion" by Pastor Will Ford via Ex-Ministries. It's a very different kind of video as it's extremely gripping explanation of the spiritual aspect of abortion. It opened my eyes to a whole different level...abortion really is in the spiritual realm.
Of the fictional fare, "Bella" is a story that highlights the beauty of adoption and family. I have not seen the movie "Tilly" yet but am going to very soon. It is fictional as well (by Frank Peretti). One more I'll mention and that is "22 Weeks". This short film is based on a true story of a mother who had chosen abortion but was shocked to see her baby survive. Immediately remorseful for her mistake of choosing abortion, the mother attempts to get help from the abortion staff, who ignores her. She ends up calling her friend via cellphone who calls authorities. Actual 911 calls can be heard on YouTube of this tragic event taking place.
Except for the fictional and beautiful "Bella", not one movie comes to mind that addresses this particular subject in "October Baby". If successful in distribution, this movie could make a huge impact. It could compel a lot of people to research a subject they could never imagine existed in their wildest dreams. They could also be made aware of the thousands of pregnancy resource centers which need prayer, volunteer support, encouragement, donations and monetary support.
Of course, no surprise to anyone who knows me or has read this blog long enough......this could lead to even further disapproval of Planned Parenthood. No, this would not disappoint me in the least. Pro-choicers do shudder....they are desperate these days thanks to the work of Lila Rose and Live Action. Whatever comes of this movie, I am sure God will use it for His purposes. Is it a perfect movie? No. I could pick it apart and I wish I could tweak it here and there but really, with the rare exceptions, very few movies escape my desire to fix them. One of my favorite movies is "Despicable Me".
As I mentioned this movie "October Baby" could have a wonderful impact for pregnancy resource centers. Why not support a local pregnancy resource center now (if you don't already)??? What can they use or accept? What can you do? ALL pregnancy resource centers (aka "crisis pregnancy centers") need prayer. The spiritual attack is steady and unceasing (remember that "Truth Behind Abortion" documentary several paragraphs above?).
So many centers face different challenges in various forms. So please always pray for the staff, the volunteers, their building situation (such as repairs or limited space, security), their finances, their donations (diapers, formula, baby food, maternity clothes, baby clothes, baby furniture, office supplies) and of course, just daily operations!!! Pray for protection as there is an attack to close them down by way of legal means. Also, pray for their future plans and visions.
Make sure you pray for those clients who come in scared, defiant to God's word, confused, uneducated, and indoctrinated by the world's lies. Many of these girls and women have never been very well-treated and this may be the first place that they experience unconditional love. Pray for those mommies and the daddies too. I can't emphasize prayer enough when it comes to pregnancy resource centers. They start their days in prayer and their operating hours are bathed in it. They covet your prayers!
All you have to do is look up your area's pregnancy centers (look up Abortion Alternatives or crisis pregnancy centers) I use, also you can look up Care Net for their affiliates and also for their hotline number 1-800-395-HELP. When I found the local pregnancy center in my town, my link came from Feminists for Life (Patricia Heaton is their spokeswoman).
On March 22, 2012, my computer froze up while typing up this blog entry. I gave up on it and ended up watching "Tilly" while my family was out. I highly recommend "Tilly". It's only 41 minutes long (it's a VHS that I got free with my order from Heritage House 76). Included with the story is a discussion panel interview as well as an interview with the author. I haven't completed the whole video but the actual production of "Tilly" is very beautiful. It is different from "October Baby" in a slight different subject matter. To point it out here would give too much away. See how careful I am???
Recently my husband and I attended the fundraiser banquet for our local pregnancy resource center. My husband counted that this was our 8th year to attend! Every year, we have had a wonderful keynote speaker and have been able to invite several people from our church to see what our prc is doing. It's an eye-opener for many to see so many pro-lifers in one room. Well, I would say most attendees are very pro-life. The majority are there for the reason of supporting the center.
Some, may be there for the first time invited as guests who have no idea what the center does and may come out of curiosity. Some may be there because it's good to be there for election purposes. Some may be there because they were dragged there. No matter if the motive isn't in allegiance to helping the event, the main thing is they heard, maybe for the first time, a message of life. They see the pro-life community banded together. Like God's message of the Gospel, it plants seeds deep and at a later time, will mature. I AM praying for one in particular to really embrace the pro-life message.
Our keynote speaker this year was Governor Mike Huckabee. Again, I won't give spoilers in case he comes to YOUR event. He told a particularly powerful account of taking his (then) 11-year old daughter to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial in Israel. I understood his concern and vacillation to expose someone that young to something so horrific. I have faced a similar concern in the past in raising my children. We don't want our children too insulated so that they are only into themselves. However, we are saddened when they realize how much evil, and the depth of it, is in the world. It's only my opinion, but I think he handled that very well.
The former governor of Arkansas shared, with humor, his background in careers and callings. He spent time in advertising but then became a minister. It was the pro-life issues that pressed upon him to become involved in politics. Many politicians only become "pro-life" when it's politically expedient. Congressman Tom Tancredo once said, "I trust those conversions when they happen on the road to Damascus and not on the road to Des Moines". Amen to THAT!
Please, please, go see "October Baby" if it's in your area!!! If it's not, then maybe go find a showing in another city. :) If that is not feasible, then just wait for it on dvd. Share the link with others you know who may be able to to go see it. Urge family, friends and acquaintances! Pray it stays in the theaters a long time and that word-of-mouth keeps this movie spreading.
Our country is turning the tide for pro-life in the first time since 1996. We are now seeing a change in attitude and it's with the youth now. They are picking up the baton and running with it. Most are recognizing that there IS a baby in the womb (thanks to technology) and it's not a "blob of cells". They ARE recognizing that most of their generation is missing. They do see that their mothers and grandmothers who bought into the lie of "choice" were affected emotionally and mentally. They see the truth and as a result are willing to do something about it. Thanks to Lila Rose
and many youths getting involved in pro-life groups and clubs that engage high schools and universities, the issue of abortion is forefront. Hearts are changing and minds are searching for more information.
I'll just add this. One of the people who saw "October Baby" with us went home afterwards and spent a couple of hours on the internet researching. That is just the kind of thing that the abortion industry does not want! Multiply that with how many people will view this film (who may be new to pro-life or even this specific pro-life subject) and then pray for that curiosity and impact. The abortion industry thrives on ignorance and deception. This film will knock down some walls of ignorance and deception.
Psalm 73:21-23
Thus my heart was grieved, And I was vexed in my mind. I was so foolish ignorant; I was like a beast before You.
Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Hearts Changing
Reading a testimony of those who saw "180". So many hearts changed!!
“We both voted for a pro-choice president the last election. After watching this documentary he said to me in tears that he was wrong. We have had our minds changed about who we vote for.”
“We both voted for a pro-choice president the last election. After watching this documentary he said to me in tears that he was wrong. We have had our minds changed about who we vote for.”
Have You Seen It?
“While making the video I was amazed at how quickly people did a complete 180 after this connection was pointed out to them in a particularly effective way. They changed from being adamantly pro-abortion to being pro-life in a matter of seconds.”
33 Minutes
Comfort opens his project with 14 people who do not know the identity of Hitler – lead naturally to a discussion of abortion, which Comfort describes as a horror worse in numbers than the Holocaust.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Mom and Dad Chose Joy!
Jeremiah 32:17 'Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You"
This is the story of Kristal Dahlager. I was mistaken in sharing with many friends that she was a third year medical student. She is a third year law student.
"God's Unmistaken Creation" If the story doesn't start with Kristal's story, it's at the 340:2 mark with Dr. Nadal's introduction. It looks like if you click on this link it starts at 342 (I recommend backing it up to the introduction by Dr. Nadal). Kristal's testimony is about 10 minutes.
Jeremiah 32:26-27 "Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?
So the place for euthanasia, I believe, is for the completely hopeless defective: nature’s mistake; something we hustle out of sight, which should never have been seen at all. These should be relieved the burden of living, because for them the burden of living at no time can produce any good thing at all. . . . For us to allow them to continue such a living is sheer sentimentality, and cruel too; we deny them as much solace as we give our stricken horse. Here we may most kindly kill, and have no fear of error. release the soul from its misshapen body which only defeats in this world the soul’s powers and gifts is surely to exchange, on that soul’s behalf, bondage for freedom."
"It must be made clear to anyone suffering from an incurable disease that the useless dissipation of costly medications drawn from the public store cannot be justified. Parents who have seen the difficult life of a crippled or feeble-minded child must be convinced that, though they may have a moral obligation to care for the unfortunate creature, the broader public should not be assume the enormous costs that long-term institutionalization might entail."
Pamphlet published by Dr. Heilig, representative of the Nazi Physicians' League. From: Robert N. Proctor, Racial Hygeine: Medicine Under the Nazis, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1989, p. 183
Interesting that we are expected to pay for every female of child-bearing age their contraceptives and abortions, but anyone who is in need of real help (of which these souls have no control) for various physical and mental challenges should be cast aside (and I get called a "heartless conservative"). And when you read all the stories that are out there of babies with Down Syndrome being aborted or the pressure parents face to abort their babies, you can see we never left the twisted mindset of the eugenics driving the Holocaust. And it IS important to note that Foster Kennedy was an American and Germany did look to the United States for its eugenic program ideas. Just look up the case Buck vs. Bell.
It would be very easy to share all of the quotes by the eugenicists (both past and present), but that will be for another time. The point of this blog is hope. The point is that Mr. and Mrs. Dahlager chose to trust in Him. They chose life and joy. They were blessed because they leaned on His ways and timing. They knew God was good.
Ephesians 10:2 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
You are His workmanship, Kristal Dahlager is His workmanship and all of those babies (over 3,500 a day) are His workmanship. As my friend Anna often says of which I wholeheartedly agree, "God doesn't make mistakes". You are not a mistake. Those babies aren't mistakes. God opens the womb and He closes the womb and He is not surprised by any child's conception ("HOW did THAT one get through?").
I hope you enjoyed Kristal's testimony. It deeply touched me and spurred me to a greater passion for those parents and those babies with poor prenatal diagnoses. NONE of the physician's diagnoses came true about Baby Kristal. None. They didn't even want to be her medical advocate after she was born. Kristal's story isn't the only one because I have heard countless others. I will share them here frequently. I am certain there would be enough for a book.
I'll close with:
Psalm 27:13-14
"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!"
This is the story of Kristal Dahlager. I was mistaken in sharing with many friends that she was a third year medical student. She is a third year law student.
"God's Unmistaken Creation" If the story doesn't start with Kristal's story, it's at the 340:2 mark with Dr. Nadal's introduction. It looks like if you click on this link it starts at 342 (I recommend backing it up to the introduction by Dr. Nadal). Kristal's testimony is about 10 minutes.
Jeremiah 32:26-27 "Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, saying, “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?
I looked up the doctor's quote that Miss Dahlager shared in her talk and it was a doctor of neurology in the 1940's. His name was Robert Foster Kennedy. He believed in death for severely retarded children over the age of 5, believed in sterilization and castration.
"But I am in favor of euthanasia for those hopeless ones who should never have been born – Nature’s mistakes....So the place for euthanasia, I believe, is for the completely hopeless defective: nature’s mistake; something we hustle out of sight, which should never have been seen at all. These should be relieved the burden of living, because for them the burden of living at no time can produce any good thing at all. . . . For us to allow them to continue such a living is sheer sentimentality, and cruel too; we deny them as much solace as we give our stricken horse. Here we may most kindly kill, and have no fear of error. release the soul from its misshapen body which only defeats in this world the soul’s powers and gifts is surely to exchange, on that soul’s behalf, bondage for freedom."
- Kennedy, F. The problem of social control of the congenital defective: education, sterilization, euthanasia. Am J Psychiatry 1942;99:13-16.
"It must be made clear to anyone suffering from an incurable disease that the useless dissipation of costly medications drawn from the public store cannot be justified. Parents who have seen the difficult life of a crippled or feeble-minded child must be convinced that, though they may have a moral obligation to care for the unfortunate creature, the broader public should not be assume the enormous costs that long-term institutionalization might entail."
Pamphlet published by Dr. Heilig, representative of the Nazi Physicians' League. From: Robert N. Proctor, Racial Hygeine: Medicine Under the Nazis, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1989, p. 183
Interesting that we are expected to pay for every female of child-bearing age their contraceptives and abortions, but anyone who is in need of real help (of which these souls have no control) for various physical and mental challenges should be cast aside (and I get called a "heartless conservative"). And when you read all the stories that are out there of babies with Down Syndrome being aborted or the pressure parents face to abort their babies, you can see we never left the twisted mindset of the eugenics driving the Holocaust. And it IS important to note that Foster Kennedy was an American and Germany did look to the United States for its eugenic program ideas. Just look up the case Buck vs. Bell.
It would be very easy to share all of the quotes by the eugenicists (both past and present), but that will be for another time. The point of this blog is hope. The point is that Mr. and Mrs. Dahlager chose to trust in Him. They chose life and joy. They were blessed because they leaned on His ways and timing. They knew God was good.
Ephesians 10:2 "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."
You are His workmanship, Kristal Dahlager is His workmanship and all of those babies (over 3,500 a day) are His workmanship. As my friend Anna often says of which I wholeheartedly agree, "God doesn't make mistakes". You are not a mistake. Those babies aren't mistakes. God opens the womb and He closes the womb and He is not surprised by any child's conception ("HOW did THAT one get through?").
I hope you enjoyed Kristal's testimony. It deeply touched me and spurred me to a greater passion for those parents and those babies with poor prenatal diagnoses. NONE of the physician's diagnoses came true about Baby Kristal. None. They didn't even want to be her medical advocate after she was born. Kristal's story isn't the only one because I have heard countless others. I will share them here frequently. I am certain there would be enough for a book.
I'll close with:
Psalm 27:13-14
"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!"
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