Please view and share!!!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
For All the World to See
Christina Dunigan has a vital blog for our time. She thoroughly researches the numerous cases of deaths and botched operations that result due to abortion. This blog details the callous and appalling actions of the abortion industry. When I first started paying attention and searching for information on what abortion is and what abortionists do to the women and babies, this was the website I regularly frequented to find out more. Since then, I have read Lime 5 by Mark Crutcher and have become familiar with different websites that report cases as they surface. This website is highly recommended for those just beginning to search for facts.
From The Real Choice Blog-Who's Putting the Unborn Ahead of the Born?
I often think about our country so preoccupied and entertained. We are millions of people waking up every day, drinking our hot beverages on the way to work, tuned in to our tv's, radios and texts. We are planning the days, going through fast-food drive-in's, tending children, closing business deals or cleaning houses. We peruse our newspapers, magazines, surf the net, kill channels on the remote and do our errands. We pay attention to the next big blockbuster, plan trips, and write out lists of various needs and wants.
These are the generalities but then we can go deeper than that. We are loving our loved ones, fighting headaches and serious maladies, we are concerning ourselves about our children's welfare, caring for our spouses, worrying or praying about finances, grieving losses of friends or family and fighting thoughts of worry or feelings of grudge, fear, bitterness and relief about all kinds of problems.
Why go to a website that details the ugly? Why visit a website that harps on evil? We don't know these people....the women, the babies, the abortionists and their workers. We don't know these families who are attached to these people. Why add to our already-busy days? Especially why add this on a day where I am feeling joyful? Why the bummer?
It's very easy to tune out because I know that I do this very thing. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, nitty-gritty. It's a feeling of relief to just zone out sometimes. We hit the ground running with all the things that have to be done. No one wants to add anything more. I have those days..."I just don't want to think about another thing. My day is full, my brain is overloaded and I am feeling overwhelmed".
Switch to 1780's and '90's England. What were days like for Thomas Clarkson, Hannah Moore, and William Wilberforce? Of the group, some had children, spouses, jobs and lists of activities throughout the day. They had their worries, their joys and plans. They were really no different than us. They had their own fascinating distractions for their time. They were abolitionists and they stayed focused. Contemporaries of their time might have asked them the same thing....why make us look at the slave ship conditions? Why harp on slave-ship captains and their crews? Why concentrate on an issue that we just don't want to face? Why look at the ugliness of people being mistreated or killed? We just want to attend our next dance, game of bridge and take our families out to our cottage by the seaside! We just don't want to think of this. It's time to "zone out" (I would be interested to know the vernacular for that in Wilberforce's day). They faced the same thing we do today...preoccupation and entertainment (and many churches who are Christian in name only but are actually social clubs).
There's rarely a good time to talk about such things. We didn't really want to talk about it during the election. Some people tried but it didn't take long before the commercial break came along and the next news segment focused on "Killing Big Bird" or "The Twinkies Disappearance". We have a very fragmented and distracted nation.
There's really not a systematic opportune time to bring up subjects like these. Maybe as the stories spring up that is the time to discuss them. I have this blog as one more extension of the social media. While I do share on the other networks and know of other pro-lifers who are up on the latest, this news isn't getting out there. In fact, if anything, most of what I read or hear on the regular news is a distortion of what is really taking place. The events in Ireland of trying to force legal abortions are trying to paint a very ugly picture of pro-lifers when in fact, the lies have been propagated by the abortion crowd. Keep watching this story; it looks like the truth is slowly leaking out. The last thing out was the admission that the woman who died never actually requested an abortion as originally reported. Now THIS is what we can count on from the abortion industry....lies and whipping up a frenzy. Isn't that Satan.....lies, diversion, smoke and mirrors (are you nodding?)
Regardless of the tendencies to zone out, deny and trust in the worldly influences, Wilberforce's love for Jesus fueled him to abolish the slave trade and to continue to work on emancipation for all slaves until his death. So should our love for Jesus fuel us with no less fervor to abolish abortion and the emancipation of not just the unborn but for all who don't have a voice or an ability to defend oneself. My very painful confession is that I am not in the group that says, "I am too busy for television, movies, games.....I am going to go fight to abolish abortion.". Yes, I fight but not with the tenacity of Wilberforce's. There! It is out. Pray for me.....the Lord IS working on me. :)
Pray for Ireland (and the pro-life movement) to stand strong in this battle. As the people stand firm there, God will honor their steadfastness!!! 1 Chonicles 28:6-8
From The Real Choice Blog-Who's Putting the Unborn Ahead of the Born?
I often think about our country so preoccupied and entertained. We are millions of people waking up every day, drinking our hot beverages on the way to work, tuned in to our tv's, radios and texts. We are planning the days, going through fast-food drive-in's, tending children, closing business deals or cleaning houses. We peruse our newspapers, magazines, surf the net, kill channels on the remote and do our errands. We pay attention to the next big blockbuster, plan trips, and write out lists of various needs and wants.
These are the generalities but then we can go deeper than that. We are loving our loved ones, fighting headaches and serious maladies, we are concerning ourselves about our children's welfare, caring for our spouses, worrying or praying about finances, grieving losses of friends or family and fighting thoughts of worry or feelings of grudge, fear, bitterness and relief about all kinds of problems.
Why go to a website that details the ugly? Why visit a website that harps on evil? We don't know these people....the women, the babies, the abortionists and their workers. We don't know these families who are attached to these people. Why add to our already-busy days? Especially why add this on a day where I am feeling joyful? Why the bummer?
It's very easy to tune out because I know that I do this very thing. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day, nitty-gritty. It's a feeling of relief to just zone out sometimes. We hit the ground running with all the things that have to be done. No one wants to add anything more. I have those days..."I just don't want to think about another thing. My day is full, my brain is overloaded and I am feeling overwhelmed".
Switch to 1780's and '90's England. What were days like for Thomas Clarkson, Hannah Moore, and William Wilberforce? Of the group, some had children, spouses, jobs and lists of activities throughout the day. They had their worries, their joys and plans. They were really no different than us. They had their own fascinating distractions for their time. They were abolitionists and they stayed focused. Contemporaries of their time might have asked them the same thing....why make us look at the slave ship conditions? Why harp on slave-ship captains and their crews? Why concentrate on an issue that we just don't want to face? Why look at the ugliness of people being mistreated or killed? We just want to attend our next dance, game of bridge and take our families out to our cottage by the seaside! We just don't want to think of this. It's time to "zone out" (I would be interested to know the vernacular for that in Wilberforce's day). They faced the same thing we do today...preoccupation and entertainment (and many churches who are Christian in name only but are actually social clubs).
There's rarely a good time to talk about such things. We didn't really want to talk about it during the election. Some people tried but it didn't take long before the commercial break came along and the next news segment focused on "Killing Big Bird" or "The Twinkies Disappearance". We have a very fragmented and distracted nation.
There's really not a systematic opportune time to bring up subjects like these. Maybe as the stories spring up that is the time to discuss them. I have this blog as one more extension of the social media. While I do share on the other networks and know of other pro-lifers who are up on the latest, this news isn't getting out there. In fact, if anything, most of what I read or hear on the regular news is a distortion of what is really taking place. The events in Ireland of trying to force legal abortions are trying to paint a very ugly picture of pro-lifers when in fact, the lies have been propagated by the abortion crowd. Keep watching this story; it looks like the truth is slowly leaking out. The last thing out was the admission that the woman who died never actually requested an abortion as originally reported. Now THIS is what we can count on from the abortion industry....lies and whipping up a frenzy. Isn't that Satan.....lies, diversion, smoke and mirrors (are you nodding?)
Regardless of the tendencies to zone out, deny and trust in the worldly influences, Wilberforce's love for Jesus fueled him to abolish the slave trade and to continue to work on emancipation for all slaves until his death. So should our love for Jesus fuel us with no less fervor to abolish abortion and the emancipation of not just the unborn but for all who don't have a voice or an ability to defend oneself. My very painful confession is that I am not in the group that says, "I am too busy for television, movies, games.....I am going to go fight to abolish abortion.". Yes, I fight but not with the tenacity of Wilberforce's. There! It is out. Pray for me.....the Lord IS working on me. :)
Pray for Ireland (and the pro-life movement) to stand strong in this battle. As the people stand firm there, God will honor their steadfastness!!! 1 Chonicles 28:6-8
Friday, November 30, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
My Can of Raid
This story came across the wire at Operation Rescue (link "War on Women" below). Sidewalk counselors who minister to women frequently witness disturbing scenes in the front of abortion facilities. Either they view coerced abortions taking place, or they experience the sight of an ambulance due to severe injury from that abortion. Sidewalk counselors see girls and women being dragged into abortion mills by their parents or
boyfriends. These girls are often dragged in by their arms or even their
hair. Ambulance visits though, are especially bad publicity for the abortionists. They want the public to think that abortions are safe so they can keep getting their millions of dollars. They certainly don't want people to find out about their criminal records, their nasty practices, or their dirty and unsafe surroundings inside. Even if certain facilities are "fancy", it still is a dirty place with dirty minds and wicked hearts. Largely, abortionists DO get away with killing women and operating in substandard facilities.
So far there have been 18 botched abortions in the past 22 months that have been known and recorded. So many facilities do not have sidewalk counselors to record the abortionists' botched operations. One botched abortion has resulted in the death of a 24 year-old woman, leaving behind a toddler son. They simply let her bleed to death and then gave no indicators to the paramedics as to what was wrong with her. Surgeons discovered an incomplete abortion and a perforation in her uterus. By that time, it was too late to be able to save Tonya. Another abortion was botched on a baby at 35 weeks' gestation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is not a blip on our national news, sadly, not even Fox News will report it.
These abortionists would love nothing better for these incidences to stay underground, never to see the light of day to the millions of people who think abortion is "safe". They would love nothing more to keep these scenes buried 50 feet below, along with those stories of babies who survive abortions (and are set aside to die). They would love nothing more to hide behind their walls of their millionaire homes to be able to make millions more from innocent babies and the ignorance of desperate women and coerced victims. This is a million dollar industry and they want to continue the bloodbath........and they will....because they can get away with it in the secret, dark, troll holes. EXCEPT, there are those pro-life busybodies who videotape and photograph ambulances showing up and those HORRIBLE pro-lifers that put every botched abortion story on their blogs, their Facebooks, their MySpaces, their crochet/knitting circles, (pick your favorite group) etc. They start websites like and blogs like Real Choice. They are well aware that many may not comment or respond but many do lurk and pay attention.
These abortionists lie in wait for innocent victims but pro-lifers can take action and smoke 'em out! Pro-lifers can do a lot of things and one of them is to just be a giant bigmouth. In the old days, our parents told us not to be tattletales on our siblings or friends. While it's necessary to honor your parents, we aren't talking about our friends and siblings. We are tattletaling on evil and being used as tools to stop these evil people in their tracks. We are foiling, thwarting, arresting, impeding, stanching, obstructing, inhibiting, terminating and aborting evil.
War on Women
Yes, I know a lot of people who see the truth and ignore it. They see and they hide and pretend they never witnessed it. Some will pead ignorance, some will stay prideful and stay in safe bubbles. It's a crossroad. Which direction will you take now that YOU know?
Proverbs 24:8-12
8 He who plots to do evil
Will be called a schemer.
9 The devising of foolishness is sin,
And the scoffer is an abomination to men.
So far there have been 18 botched abortions in the past 22 months that have been known and recorded. So many facilities do not have sidewalk counselors to record the abortionists' botched operations. One botched abortion has resulted in the death of a 24 year-old woman, leaving behind a toddler son. They simply let her bleed to death and then gave no indicators to the paramedics as to what was wrong with her. Surgeons discovered an incomplete abortion and a perforation in her uterus. By that time, it was too late to be able to save Tonya. Another abortion was botched on a baby at 35 weeks' gestation in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is not a blip on our national news, sadly, not even Fox News will report it.
These abortionists would love nothing better for these incidences to stay underground, never to see the light of day to the millions of people who think abortion is "safe". They would love nothing more to keep these scenes buried 50 feet below, along with those stories of babies who survive abortions (and are set aside to die). They would love nothing more to hide behind their walls of their millionaire homes to be able to make millions more from innocent babies and the ignorance of desperate women and coerced victims. This is a million dollar industry and they want to continue the bloodbath........and they will....because they can get away with it in the secret, dark, troll holes. EXCEPT, there are those pro-life busybodies who videotape and photograph ambulances showing up and those HORRIBLE pro-lifers that put every botched abortion story on their blogs, their Facebooks, their MySpaces, their crochet/knitting circles, (pick your favorite group) etc. They start websites like and blogs like Real Choice. They are well aware that many may not comment or respond but many do lurk and pay attention.
These abortionists lie in wait for innocent victims but pro-lifers can take action and smoke 'em out! Pro-lifers can do a lot of things and one of them is to just be a giant bigmouth. In the old days, our parents told us not to be tattletales on our siblings or friends. While it's necessary to honor your parents, we aren't talking about our friends and siblings. We are tattletaling on evil and being used as tools to stop these evil people in their tracks. We are foiling, thwarting, arresting, impeding, stanching, obstructing, inhibiting, terminating and aborting evil.
War on Women
Yes, I know a lot of people who see the truth and ignore it. They see and they hide and pretend they never witnessed it. Some will pead ignorance, some will stay prideful and stay in safe bubbles. It's a crossroad. Which direction will you take now that YOU know?
Proverbs 24:8-12
8 He who plots to do evil
Will be called a schemer.
9 The devising of foolishness is sin,
And the scoffer is an abomination to men.
10 If you faint in the day of adversity,
Your strength is small.
Your strength is small.
11 Deliver those who are drawn toward death,
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
12 If you say, “Surely we did not know this,”
Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it?
He who keeps your soul, does He not know it?
Every Day Is Thanksgiving to a Christian
We just recently celebrated Thanksgiving last Thursday. As the day was quite busy with preparing the turkey and all the accompaniments, and with enjoying our family and friends, I didn't sit down and post here. To me, I think all the tryptophan is in pumpkin pie, not turkey. It pretty much renders me weak as if Superman had Kryptonite pajamas.
Still, nearly a week later (pumpkin pie is now gone and the scraps of turkey are now wrapped in a small parcel of tinfoil), I am thankful. Yes, thankful for food, clean water, shelter and loved ones, but most importantly for Jesus Christ. Every day is a day of thanks for the Christian. We rejoice in the day and are glad in it and we are grateful to our Lord and Savior for laying His life down willingly to pay the penalty we cannot pay. We can't out-love or out-give God. It's difficult sometimes to receive gifts, isn't it? "Oh you shouldn't have!" "I hope you didn't go to any trouble!" "I hope you didn't spend too much". It's a mixture of joy, delight and slight embarrassment maybe! Sometimes we feel that automatic obligation to "pay back". God doesn't want that from us. When He gave His gift of His only begotten Son, He wanted us to receive fully and without reservation. He doesn't want to us cast His gift aside. Just obligation, no paying back (we can't no matter how much we do, it will never be enough or be good enough), no comments to God other than "Thank You, Lord, for Your Son". He knows we have wicked, fickle hearts, prone to getting caught up in burning emotions, fleeting thoughts/beliefs of our own worldly understanding....our finite, little, self-absorbed in-the-flesh moments. He knows what we are and how we behave.And yet while we were His enemies (sinners), Christ died for us because of His deep love for us. I am continually blown away by this fact. So, for me, as a Christian, EVERY day is Thanksgiving!!!
Today, give thanks to God by accepting and believing in His indescribable gift of His Son, Jesus Christ and the indescribable gift of eternal life!
2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
John 1:12 As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God
This story below touched my heart.....may it touch yours also!
Thanksgiving Miracle
Still, nearly a week later (pumpkin pie is now gone and the scraps of turkey are now wrapped in a small parcel of tinfoil), I am thankful. Yes, thankful for food, clean water, shelter and loved ones, but most importantly for Jesus Christ. Every day is a day of thanks for the Christian. We rejoice in the day and are glad in it and we are grateful to our Lord and Savior for laying His life down willingly to pay the penalty we cannot pay. We can't out-love or out-give God. It's difficult sometimes to receive gifts, isn't it? "Oh you shouldn't have!" "I hope you didn't go to any trouble!" "I hope you didn't spend too much". It's a mixture of joy, delight and slight embarrassment maybe! Sometimes we feel that automatic obligation to "pay back". God doesn't want that from us. When He gave His gift of His only begotten Son, He wanted us to receive fully and without reservation. He doesn't want to us cast His gift aside. Just obligation, no paying back (we can't no matter how much we do, it will never be enough or be good enough), no comments to God other than "Thank You, Lord, for Your Son". He knows we have wicked, fickle hearts, prone to getting caught up in burning emotions, fleeting thoughts/beliefs of our own worldly understanding....our finite, little, self-absorbed in-the-flesh moments. He knows what we are and how we behave.And yet while we were His enemies (sinners), Christ died for us because of His deep love for us. I am continually blown away by this fact. So, for me, as a Christian, EVERY day is Thanksgiving!!!
Today, give thanks to God by accepting and believing in His indescribable gift of His Son, Jesus Christ and the indescribable gift of eternal life!
2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!
John 1:12 As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God
This story below touched my heart.....may it touch yours also!
Thanksgiving Miracle
Friday, November 16, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
It has been awhile since I have posted. I am back for a bit- I have been on some great adventures thanks to the Lord! Last night, I attended a service in which some worship songs touched me deeply. If you are going through a lot right now in your life, please be encouraged by the fact that our Lord is SOVEREIGN, and His love is powerful and eternal. May these songs remind you of who He is and what He did for you.
IThere will be other songs added later on throughout the day. Prayers that they will lift you up (in addition to your Bible reading)!
Psalm 73:24-28
You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.
Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail;
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
For indeed, those who are far from You shall perish;
You have destroyed all those who desert You for harlotry. But it is good for me to draw near to God;
I have put my trust in the Lord GOD,
That I may declare all Your works.
You have destroyed all those who desert You for harlotry. But it is good for me to draw near to God;
I have put my trust in the Lord GOD,
That I may declare all Your works.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Wedded Bliss--27 Years Today
It has been a very busy and full day today. It continues to be busy but I wanted to just put a short note here to proclaim that my husband and I have had a very blessed 27 years of marriage. Today we were wed in front of God and everybody. Back then, God was not forefront in our lives but He knew what He was doing!!!! We were not walking with Him but we had the basic principles down and marriage meant a lot to both of us. Our intention and belief going into it was that it was forever, until death do us part. I know many couples who do have that intention and belief also and sometimes the marriages are severed regardless.
Given that we knew each other for a very short time, were not walking with God and I was very young, one might say statistically our marriage shouldn't have survived. Yet, by the grace of God it has and we are blessed that it keeps getting better.
We have had our difficult times but even in those days of confusion and miscommunication, God was very present and working in our lives. I am thankful though that even in those years that we were not clicking on all cylinders, we still genuinely liked each other! We have always been able to make each other laugh and I am blessed to have a man who is a gentleman and has a kind heart. He is a great father as well.
Whatever God has in store for us, we are grateful for all that He has given us thus far. We look forward to many more years (God willing) as a team but we are indeed one flesh. Tonight we are going to spend our anniversary at church. It's movie night there and we are going to see "October Baby". I don't want a cruise, or jewelry or even a fancy dinner out. Seriously, at 27 years, I just love spending time with my husband and the company of our Christian family is a great addition to the celebration. We really don't want it any other way.
It was a great day the day we got married and our marriage was just a little sapling. Now it's even greater and the sapling has grown into a mature oak. The root system is deep. It took a while to get to this point but it is a joy to behold. Thank You, God for growing us!!! :D You are the greatest matchmaker ever!
Genesis 2:24
Ephesians 5:22-33
Given that we knew each other for a very short time, were not walking with God and I was very young, one might say statistically our marriage shouldn't have survived. Yet, by the grace of God it has and we are blessed that it keeps getting better.
We have had our difficult times but even in those days of confusion and miscommunication, God was very present and working in our lives. I am thankful though that even in those years that we were not clicking on all cylinders, we still genuinely liked each other! We have always been able to make each other laugh and I am blessed to have a man who is a gentleman and has a kind heart. He is a great father as well.
Whatever God has in store for us, we are grateful for all that He has given us thus far. We look forward to many more years (God willing) as a team but we are indeed one flesh. Tonight we are going to spend our anniversary at church. It's movie night there and we are going to see "October Baby". I don't want a cruise, or jewelry or even a fancy dinner out. Seriously, at 27 years, I just love spending time with my husband and the company of our Christian family is a great addition to the celebration. We really don't want it any other way.
It was a great day the day we got married and our marriage was just a little sapling. Now it's even greater and the sapling has grown into a mature oak. The root system is deep. It took a while to get to this point but it is a joy to behold. Thank You, God for growing us!!! :D You are the greatest matchmaker ever!
Genesis 2:24
Ephesians 5:22-33
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Heavy Hearts
This is the report I read tonight about this woman.
"My heart is heavy tonight with the news that she through with aborting her twin baby girls. Her situation even affected the workers inside the clinic who asked her if she was sure she wanted to do it because she was so far along. (It's VERY rare for abortion clinic workers to ask things like this.) They said she showed NO emotion. Now we will all pray that she repents."
That was a concern of mine. The sheer lack of emotion going in was disconcerting enough but the same lack of it leaving is even more so. I am reminded of the testimony of Carol Everett gave in her book Blood Money about women's reactions after their abortions:
"But, they have the abortion and they go to the recovery room, and then there are two reactions in the recovery room. The first one is: I've killed my baby. And even then, it amazed me that that was the first time they called it a baby and the first time they called it murder. But, you know, as bad as that sounds, that's probably the healthiest reaction. That woman is probably going to have the ability to walk out of there and deal with it, and perhaps be healed and go on.
And now, in Europe, where they've had abortions for much, much longer than we have, there are some authorities in the Netherlands who are alluding to a spiritual healing that women have to go through before they can completely deal with their abortion. So they're getting closer day by day by day. But the second reaction is: I am hungry, you kept me in here for four hours and you told me I'd only be here for two; let me out of here. Now that woman is doing what I did. She's running from her abortion. She's not dealing with it; she's choosing to deny it, and she's the woman that we read all the statistics about, post-abortion syndrome. They say now it's an average of five years before people actually deal with the fact that, yes, they did kill their baby. And yes, they do have to deal with that."
I want to write more here but my computer is acting up to the point I cannot type anything (long explanation). Again, I just ask for prayers for not only the woman who aborted her twin girls but also the workers who actually paused and asked to make sure this woman was sure about what she was doing.
All of these workers were once in the abortion industry at one time. Seeds were planted in them too and they left the abortion business.
Carol Everett, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Norma McCorvey, Dr. Noreen Johnson and her husband Dr. Hayward Robinson, Abby Johnson, Jewels Green, Joan Appleton, Dr. David Brewer,Brenda Pratt Shafer, Dr. Patti Giebink, Dr. Mcarthur Hill, Kathy Sparks, Dr. Joseph Randolph, Dr. Beverly McMillan, Dr. Anthony Levatino (who recently gave testimony to Congress on the pain the baby feels from abor tion), Dr. Paul E. Jarrett, Dr. Arnold Halpern, Luhra Tivis, Joy Davis, Hellen Pendley, Nita Whitten, Debra Henry, Stojan Adasevic, Catherine Adair, Ramona Trevino, Sue Thayer, Patricia Sandoval, Luis Maldonado, and recently, abortionist Scott Spagnolo-Hye has stopped doing abortions. I don't know what Hye's reason for stopping but he is no longer doing abortions at the last report. He used to be at Pendergraft's facility (Orlando Women's Center where the woman mentioned above aborted her twins).
I pray for all of them....for those wanting to leave, those about to and those who have left....continued healing and may they grow in Him. God is still on the throne and He is still in control. I think about the woman who went into that facility and left it today.....and many like her. They do late-term abortions there every Wednesday I am told. That's just one city times all the abortionists listed at She wasn't the first and she won't be the last. I feel quite deadened by all this and I am numb and I don't visit these places to counsel. All I do is report and believe that one more big mouth is needed because our state-run media won't report it. So please pray for those those loving but diamond-nerved sidewalk counselors. May they never weary of doing good. Please pray for them as we know the spiritual warfare to keep them away is very great. Pray for protection for them and for them to love in His strength and not their own. They can't not do it (sidewalk counseling) but it is very hard to face that much evil day in and day out.
Okay....I am having major problems with my computer. So this is now the FOURTH attempt to say....God is GOOD. We must cling to Him. He doesn't have to answer us nor does He have to ever explain what He is doing. But I do sometimes say...I look forward to seeing what You have in mind to working this out for good. We may never find out but we do know He will be victorious in it all.
"My heart is heavy tonight with the news that she through with aborting her twin baby girls. Her situation even affected the workers inside the clinic who asked her if she was sure she wanted to do it because she was so far along. (It's VERY rare for abortion clinic workers to ask things like this.) They said she showed NO emotion. Now we will all pray that she repents."
That was a concern of mine. The sheer lack of emotion going in was disconcerting enough but the same lack of it leaving is even more so. I am reminded of the testimony of Carol Everett gave in her book Blood Money about women's reactions after their abortions:
"But, they have the abortion and they go to the recovery room, and then there are two reactions in the recovery room. The first one is: I've killed my baby. And even then, it amazed me that that was the first time they called it a baby and the first time they called it murder. But, you know, as bad as that sounds, that's probably the healthiest reaction. That woman is probably going to have the ability to walk out of there and deal with it, and perhaps be healed and go on.
And now, in Europe, where they've had abortions for much, much longer than we have, there are some authorities in the Netherlands who are alluding to a spiritual healing that women have to go through before they can completely deal with their abortion. So they're getting closer day by day by day. But the second reaction is: I am hungry, you kept me in here for four hours and you told me I'd only be here for two; let me out of here. Now that woman is doing what I did. She's running from her abortion. She's not dealing with it; she's choosing to deny it, and she's the woman that we read all the statistics about, post-abortion syndrome. They say now it's an average of five years before people actually deal with the fact that, yes, they did kill their baby. And yes, they do have to deal with that."
I want to write more here but my computer is acting up to the point I cannot type anything (long explanation). Again, I just ask for prayers for not only the woman who aborted her twin girls but also the workers who actually paused and asked to make sure this woman was sure about what she was doing.
All of these workers were once in the abortion industry at one time. Seeds were planted in them too and they left the abortion business.
Carol Everett, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Norma McCorvey, Dr. Noreen Johnson and her husband Dr. Hayward Robinson, Abby Johnson, Jewels Green, Joan Appleton, Dr. David Brewer,Brenda Pratt Shafer, Dr. Patti Giebink, Dr. Mcarthur Hill, Kathy Sparks, Dr. Joseph Randolph, Dr. Beverly McMillan, Dr. Anthony Levatino (who recently gave testimony to Congress on the pain the baby feels from abor tion), Dr. Paul E. Jarrett, Dr. Arnold Halpern, Luhra Tivis, Joy Davis, Hellen Pendley, Nita Whitten, Debra Henry, Stojan Adasevic, Catherine Adair, Ramona Trevino, Sue Thayer, Patricia Sandoval, Luis Maldonado, and recently, abortionist Scott Spagnolo-Hye has stopped doing abortions. I don't know what Hye's reason for stopping but he is no longer doing abortions at the last report. He used to be at Pendergraft's facility (Orlando Women's Center where the woman mentioned above aborted her twins).
I pray for all of them....for those wanting to leave, those about to and those who have left....continued healing and may they grow in Him. God is still on the throne and He is still in control. I think about the woman who went into that facility and left it today.....and many like her. They do late-term abortions there every Wednesday I am told. That's just one city times all the abortionists listed at She wasn't the first and she won't be the last. I feel quite deadened by all this and I am numb and I don't visit these places to counsel. All I do is report and believe that one more big mouth is needed because our state-run media won't report it. So please pray for those those loving but diamond-nerved sidewalk counselors. May they never weary of doing good. Please pray for them as we know the spiritual warfare to keep them away is very great. Pray for protection for them and for them to love in His strength and not their own. They can't not do it (sidewalk counseling) but it is very hard to face that much evil day in and day out.
Okay....I am having major problems with my computer. So this is now the FOURTH attempt to say....God is GOOD. We must cling to Him. He doesn't have to answer us nor does He have to ever explain what He is doing. But I do sometimes say...I look forward to seeing what You have in mind to working this out for good. We may never find out but we do know He will be victorious in it all.
I just got word that a woman is about to abort twins at 24-25 weeks gestation at Orlando Women's Center in Florida. She claims to be a Christian and says she already has 2 daughters. Pray for the softening of her heart towards her babies and for any intervention that would cause the abortionist to not go through with it. The cost of killing 2 babies at this particular abortion facility is $2600. All the sidewalk counselors there have been talking to her. Please pray for them as they minister to her.
Yes, she is aware of babies' kicks and is aware of the pain they will endure in the abortion. This is a heart that is hard. I know many ask..."Why did she wait so long?" "Does this really happen often?" "How can she ignore the movements of those babies?" Our world is a fallen one. Babies are given up to the modern-day Molech in the name of the god "CONVENIENCE".
Proverbs 30:11-14
There is a generation that curses its father, and does not bless its mother. There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its filthiness. There is a generation-oh, how lofty are their eyes! And their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, and whose fangs are like knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy among men.
Just read a report on the woman. She just received the injection that starts the labor and she told the counselors outside that it's too late. Although this fact is not true but she is believing the lies of the abortion facility.
God knows the outcome of this and we know that He will use it for His purpose. We don't know the outcome even if she does go through with it to the completion. His ways are higher than our ways. We know is that He is good and He is sovereign. Yes, she is on the path to destruction. She is advancing towards a deep canyon and not heeding the warnings of those on the sidelines to turn around and go the opposite direction. She is refusing to hear His voice and is rebelling by following her own ways (the ways that seem right to her). She doesn't KNOW Him and that's why she is even there in the first place.
The words of the Lord are powerful and Living Water, mine are not. So all my words come up short and I really have nothing to say other than I am praying for this woman and her babies. May she come to know Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord. May she really come to know Him regardless of the outcome of the abortion. I know that the sidewalk counselors are sharing the Gospel like they always do in these places and times. Seeds are being planted even in the midst of the destruction taking place there. God always hears our prayers....please pray!
Yes, she is aware of babies' kicks and is aware of the pain they will endure in the abortion. This is a heart that is hard. I know many ask..."Why did she wait so long?" "Does this really happen often?" "How can she ignore the movements of those babies?" Our world is a fallen one. Babies are given up to the modern-day Molech in the name of the god "CONVENIENCE".
Proverbs 30:11-14
There is a generation that curses its father, and does not bless its mother. There is a generation that is pure in its own eyes, yet is not washed from its filthiness. There is a generation-oh, how lofty are their eyes! And their eyelids are lifted up. There is a generation whose teeth are like swords, and whose fangs are like knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy among men.
Just read a report on the woman. She just received the injection that starts the labor and she told the counselors outside that it's too late. Although this fact is not true but she is believing the lies of the abortion facility.
God knows the outcome of this and we know that He will use it for His purpose. We don't know the outcome even if she does go through with it to the completion. His ways are higher than our ways. We know is that He is good and He is sovereign. Yes, she is on the path to destruction. She is advancing towards a deep canyon and not heeding the warnings of those on the sidelines to turn around and go the opposite direction. She is refusing to hear His voice and is rebelling by following her own ways (the ways that seem right to her). She doesn't KNOW Him and that's why she is even there in the first place.
The words of the Lord are powerful and Living Water, mine are not. So all my words come up short and I really have nothing to say other than I am praying for this woman and her babies. May she come to know Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord. May she really come to know Him regardless of the outcome of the abortion. I know that the sidewalk counselors are sharing the Gospel like they always do in these places and times. Seeds are being planted even in the midst of the destruction taking place there. God always hears our prayers....please pray!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Now It's Time for That Ole' Fiddle Tune.....Disintegration of Alp Mistiness.....
Many of you new pro-lifers (or maybe even the seasoned veterans) may be able to relate to this: Becoming pro-life is like coming out of the fog. Visibility starts to clear and the surroundings sometimes are new. "How come I have never seen this before?" "How could my life had been so clouded?" I also translate this to my Christian walk as well. As you delve into knowledge, you discover new insights and new people. Sometimes you discover horrifying things too (a heart-palpitating trip from Modesto, in the fog, had us opening our doors to check to see if we were still on the road). In this case, though, I remember the first time that I discovered that some babies actually survived abortions. I also remember the time I realized that there were many different methods of abortion. The more I learned, the more I looked at my past life and said, "How could my life been so clouded as to not know this?" This ignorance was not bliss at all. As horrifying as it is to find out (and it's horrifying to share this with others), I am glad to know about it now because it has to STOP.
I always considered myself to be somewhat smart (except for those times I considered myself kind of dumb). I don't corner the market on Egghead Status, but I don't consider myself a complete slouch either. Reading has always been a favorite past-time and I love biographies and autobiographies of historical figures. My youthful years were filled with the fiction of Evelyn Waugh, R.H. Delderfield and Somerset Maugham as well as Margaret Mitchell, A. J. Cronin and whatever was offered in my literature class. In addition, books about people's experiences becoming nurses, doctors and coroners were pretty fascinating too....anything medical My parents put quite a few books in my hands as they were huge readers themselves. I give them a lot of credit for fostering the love of reading in me! :)
It's a big world out there so we are apt to miss some really good stories. However, in my fog, I heard passing references to Corrie Ten Boom and William Wilberforce. They were just names connected with a brief blurb "Hid Jews in her home during World War 2" and "Fought slavery in England" (respectively). They were just names of old people who lived long ago. I had no idea they were Christian or the amount of bravery they possessed for what they did. The fog in my world was THICKER than any Modesto fog!!
A few years ago, several things happened. Well, first I became saved which was huge as my life would never be the same again. The other thing was that we homeschooled our son and daughter. This led me to several homeschool conventions. Anyone who has been to a convention of that sort knows of the vending halls full of REALLY cool resources....especially books! Yay! There are mountains of Christian books. My appetite was whetted for learning about missionaries and other Christian historical figures. My own childhood history classes were sorely lacking of such wonderful and interesting accounts.
Around this time, a movie came out called "Amazing Grace". My husband and I were both very eager to support the Christian film industry and/or movies that promoted clean entertainment. Thanks to Vision Forum and Answers in Genesis and Rich Christiano, we were able to provide some God-honoring videos to our children. "Amazing Grace" was well-done in acting, sets, script and message. However, I prefer the biography by Eric Metaxes and there is a short book by John Piper that is also very good. Even better than that would be to read Wilberforce's own books! That also goes for Corrie Ten Boom with The Hideaway and Tramping for the Lord.
In reading these books, I could just feel my heart swell up! Many people understand what it means to say it's visceral. The feelings are so deep within that it permeates the very core of being. In Wilberforce and Ten Boom's imperfections and idiosyncrasies, they were used by Christ. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and lived lives of great courage, conviction and application of their beliefs. They both suffered great losses and yet were indomitable in spirit. Sometimes you hear about certain people and the conviction you realize is "I just have absolutely NO reason to complain about my circumstances". The Christian should be content with everything in his life yet we still act selfishly in some manner. Shamefacedly, I admit to this (God continues to prune me).
These are just two people. There are many more stories of servants who served Christ....and I don't want to leave anyone out. I love the story of Gladys Aylward too. We have so many examples in the Bible and in our historical accounts. Today we had a teaching at Bible study about all our excuses as to why we don't obey God's call. Moses and Jeremiah came up with our same excuses. "I don't know what to say", Maybe no one will believe me", "I'll be rejected", "I am too young" (or maybe it's "I am too old or infirm"), or maybe it's "I am just plain scared" and/or ill-equipped. I can relate. Wilberforce and Ten Boom could have come up with some very good reasons not to follow through with God's call on them. On the contrary, these were people who said in essence, "I MUST". They would not have had a second's peace turning their backs on the slaves and the Jews. They were the Good Samaritans of their ages.
It stings sometimes to know that these fine examples of Christ's servants existed and it took me ages to know about them. There is the nagging notion that there are still many others out there and I am still in the fog (okay, those of you who know me personally.....what was that? Yes, I am in the fog but not for the reason above? Ah, yes, you know me too well).
Please feel free to share about the many examples who inspire you....Biblical to present time. When you came out of the fog.....what did you discover?
I always considered myself to be somewhat smart (except for those times I considered myself kind of dumb). I don't corner the market on Egghead Status, but I don't consider myself a complete slouch either. Reading has always been a favorite past-time and I love biographies and autobiographies of historical figures. My youthful years were filled with the fiction of Evelyn Waugh, R.H. Delderfield and Somerset Maugham as well as Margaret Mitchell, A. J. Cronin and whatever was offered in my literature class. In addition, books about people's experiences becoming nurses, doctors and coroners were pretty fascinating too....anything medical My parents put quite a few books in my hands as they were huge readers themselves. I give them a lot of credit for fostering the love of reading in me! :)
It's a big world out there so we are apt to miss some really good stories. However, in my fog, I heard passing references to Corrie Ten Boom and William Wilberforce. They were just names connected with a brief blurb "Hid Jews in her home during World War 2" and "Fought slavery in England" (respectively). They were just names of old people who lived long ago. I had no idea they were Christian or the amount of bravery they possessed for what they did. The fog in my world was THICKER than any Modesto fog!!
A few years ago, several things happened. Well, first I became saved which was huge as my life would never be the same again. The other thing was that we homeschooled our son and daughter. This led me to several homeschool conventions. Anyone who has been to a convention of that sort knows of the vending halls full of REALLY cool resources....especially books! Yay! There are mountains of Christian books. My appetite was whetted for learning about missionaries and other Christian historical figures. My own childhood history classes were sorely lacking of such wonderful and interesting accounts.
Around this time, a movie came out called "Amazing Grace". My husband and I were both very eager to support the Christian film industry and/or movies that promoted clean entertainment. Thanks to Vision Forum and Answers in Genesis and Rich Christiano, we were able to provide some God-honoring videos to our children. "Amazing Grace" was well-done in acting, sets, script and message. However, I prefer the biography by Eric Metaxes and there is a short book by John Piper that is also very good. Even better than that would be to read Wilberforce's own books! That also goes for Corrie Ten Boom with The Hideaway and Tramping for the Lord.
In reading these books, I could just feel my heart swell up! Many people understand what it means to say it's visceral. The feelings are so deep within that it permeates the very core of being. In Wilberforce and Ten Boom's imperfections and idiosyncrasies, they were used by Christ. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and lived lives of great courage, conviction and application of their beliefs. They both suffered great losses and yet were indomitable in spirit. Sometimes you hear about certain people and the conviction you realize is "I just have absolutely NO reason to complain about my circumstances". The Christian should be content with everything in his life yet we still act selfishly in some manner. Shamefacedly, I admit to this (God continues to prune me).
These are just two people. There are many more stories of servants who served Christ....and I don't want to leave anyone out. I love the story of Gladys Aylward too. We have so many examples in the Bible and in our historical accounts. Today we had a teaching at Bible study about all our excuses as to why we don't obey God's call. Moses and Jeremiah came up with our same excuses. "I don't know what to say", Maybe no one will believe me", "I'll be rejected", "I am too young" (or maybe it's "I am too old or infirm"), or maybe it's "I am just plain scared" and/or ill-equipped. I can relate. Wilberforce and Ten Boom could have come up with some very good reasons not to follow through with God's call on them. On the contrary, these were people who said in essence, "I MUST". They would not have had a second's peace turning their backs on the slaves and the Jews. They were the Good Samaritans of their ages.
It stings sometimes to know that these fine examples of Christ's servants existed and it took me ages to know about them. There is the nagging notion that there are still many others out there and I am still in the fog (okay, those of you who know me personally.....what was that? Yes, I am in the fog but not for the reason above? Ah, yes, you know me too well).
Please feel free to share about the many examples who inspire you....Biblical to present time. When you came out of the fog.....what did you discover?
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
There's a 180 Tsunami Wave Coming to Abortion-ville!
Actually, it's "180" AND another ministry called "And Then There Were None".
As you have seen on my blog in the past, the "180" documentary has been posted for some time now. It's very eye-opening for many who never really throught through the whole pro-life issue. I was one of those kinds of people at one time only I didn't have "180" to point it out to me. Had I seen "180" when I was a lot younger, it would have made a huge impact on my life. Pretty sure of it.
There have been reports that "180" is making some waves on high school and college campuses. Hundreds of thousands of copies have been distributed in many areas of the country. It has actually saved some lives of babies (and when you think about it, maybe this film prevented some deaths of mothers as well. We know that women still die from abortion).
Many different things are going on in the pro-life movement right now. I would recommend checking out some pro-life news websites like
There has been a lawsuit filed claiming Planned Parenthood has committed fraud in the amount of $5.5 billion Now, I am not very sanguine that this will take them down. They get pass after pass and I seriously doubt Cecile Richards will ever see any prison cell, although some of her employees will probably be seen as expendable.
Still, this SHOULD raise some eyebrows but my concern is people are far too jaded to care that citizen's taxes are going to fraud. Actually, I have come to the conclusion that most people are far too jaded to care about Planned Parenthood's willingness to cover up sexual abuse, rape, incest, sex trafficking, statutory rape, domestic violence, willingness to lie about basic prenatal development, their targeting of minorities and their goals to promote promiscuity, especially among youth (the younger the better in their eyes).
It is truly amazing to see the blank, glazed looks of people who are told about these things and there's just no reaction. Sometimes I do get a reaction, but mostly from youths. The people who are stone-faced and uncaring are the ones, the pro-aborts, mostly from my mom's generation. It's like they look at you and say, "but the coathanger icon is what we cling to....don't mess this up for us! We refuse to register any thought contrary to our rosy picture of abortion and our heroine Margaret Sanger. I refuse to look at your evidence." You know you have faced the most hardened heart when the mention of a baby being killed doesn't cause a person to even flinch in the slightest. Sadly, I know and have talked to people who are just like this.
The other ministry that I am happy to share with those of you who have not heard yet is "And Then There Were None". Abby Johnson is a former Planned Parenthood director having been in the industry for 8 years. She left after a series of events took place at the abortion facility that forever changed her mind about abortion. By the way, she just gave birth to her baby boy so congratulations, Johnson Family!
Abby has started the ministry to help abortion workers leave the industry. Oftentimes, there are workers who find themselves wanting to leave but fear they won't find a new job to support their families or they fear they will be ostracized for their past involvement which goes to show you that abortion is not looked favorably by most medical professionals. Abortionists are seen as the bottom feeders in the medical field. Even many doctors who claim a "pro-choice" belief don't really want to do abortions themselves.
The exciting thing about "And Then There Were None" is the possibility that abortion facilities could have great difficulty keeping their doors open if there is a mass departure of their work force. Abortion workers see crimes being committed, fraud perpetrated and of course, the bodies of mutilated babies day in and day out. They see the gross negligence, the callous treatment of the abortionists and their staff and the suffering victims of abortion (including the babies who may even live for a short time after the abortion). The ministry can help the abortion worker safely report criminal activity of their former bosses, reach out to people who know where they have been, and gain some confidence in leaving by getting assistance in finding a new jobs and possible temporary financial help.
There have been many people who have left the abortion industry. Some of them have become very outspoken pro-life warriors and have fought in many arenas for life. Those are the "dangerous ones" to the abortion industry. They were frontline and are not afraid to tell about the horrors (not exaggerated by any means) of the inside workings. There is credibility and they deliver an impact. I have been most impressed with Carol Everett's account. Her book Blood Money: Getting Rich Off a Woman's Right to Choose has been the most riveting inside look. Carol is pretty much a straight-from-the-hip shooter and she tells of her conversion from a highly ambitious abortion facility owner to a sold-out-for-Jesus Christian and pro-life warrior. If you haven't read it, buy it and read it! Carol could have become hardened and jaded but Christ gave her humility and a love to serve. She is a formidable force to be reckoned with and she does it with a healthy dose of humor too. In addition, Carol has a post-abortion ministry called The Heidi Group. Much of her story is at this website but I still recommend the book.
So you see, the heart change of people will cause a major tide change for the protection of the defenseless. Whether they see "180" or whether they leave the abortion industry, or whether they read a book......all these will cause people to rethink their ideas on abortion. Really, that's great but none of this matters if they really don't have a personal relationship with Christ. I am happy to hear about people change their views to pro-life. There are pro-life atheists, pro-life secular groups and pro-life Buddhists, etc. Dr. Bernard Nathanson (a former abortionist who died from cancer last year) became pro-life before he became a believer. I was pro-life before I became saved.
It one was of many precipitating factors in becoming saved in my case. Many things contributed in my journey to being born again. God kept putting different truths in my path until I couldn't ignore Him any longer (He has the most amazing patience and perfect timing). I sat in churches a long time in a complacent state of worldliness. God grabbed hold of me through various ways and people. This isn't my full testimony of how He became my Lord and Savior but my emphasis is that one can be pro-life and on a path to Hell. I know I deserved Hell as I was not a good person. I desperately wanted assurance that I was a good enough person for Heaven and I desperately wanted to know what made my place in Heaven sure. There was no peace, just religious activity with a nagging question...."how much activity is enough for God to see that I deserve to be in Heaven?"
None is the answer. And on my very best day of behavior I am still but a filthy rag. I can't do anything for myself, I can't save myself, I can't ever be good enough for Heaven ever. I can try to save babies all day long (possibly quite successfully) and that won't get me into Heaven. So you see, if you are out there and you have become pro-life...I am very happy that you are fighting for the defenseless. I am thrilled that you and I share that belief that no human should be subjected to dismemberment or suffocation or even lack of sustenance based on "wantedness" or "convenience". I hope that you recognize that it's not enough to be pro-life. Why are we pro-life? It is because we recognize that that little baby is a human, unique and individual and precious to Him AND made in HIS image. He created Life and His Son gave HIS life so that we might have eternal life. Every life He brought forth on this earth is precious and beautiful to Him (if you aren't aware of need to realize that you are precious and beautiful to Him).
I often tell my clients that the Lord opens the womb and closes the womb. No baby, child or person you know exists on earth without His knowledge or permission. He knows each person at a molecular level and their souls intimately. Add up how many people have ever lived from Adam to present time and then think about all the people about to be born. Then add the fact that He knows of all the activity going on at a molecular level in the trees,, animals, oceans, and in the galaxies from the beginning of time to the present. There are still saplings that will sprout and puppies to be born.....and He knows all about those things at the deepest level as well. Even with all this, He knows and loves you and you are a precious gem to Him. And He has all the time in the world to listen to you....He's outside of time. He's omnipotent and omniscient.
This kind of knowledge about God (in His own words) drew me to Him. His love drew me to Him. Truth drew me to Him. I remembered one day that I realized with horror that I was not saved. I remedied that shortly after. There was still a lot I didn't understand but He was still so patient and good to me. To this day, I am in awe that He still wants me to be with Him. :) I am a pretty stiff-necked person and no, I am not proud of that. It's not a trait to be embraced. Chastening is a daily (hourly or secondly) activity that goes on in my day. Thanks to Proverbs, I can put this in perspective. One thing I am working on is a spiritual inventory for a bible study I am doing. Okay..."working" is a loose term as I haven't actually started the spiritual inventory yet.....God will deal with me, to be certain. Maybe this blog will help me get a move-on? :D
The one thing that bothers me is that I don't have a single moment of time where I remember turning my own "180". It's not easy growing older! It seemed like one day I was for abortion and then the next day I was not. I did go through a metamorphosis that many people experience. I was into exceptions first and then one by by one, those exceptions disappeared. Once I realized the horrors of abortion, I went through a very hard stage of disgust for the woman who chose abortion. In my mind, she was only one kind of woman....pretty hard-hearted and calculating. Over time, I learned that there was not just one kind of woman who underwent abortions. You mean there are COERCED abortions? Then, my understanding of how men were involved came into view. Then the effect of abortion on grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, future siblings and friends became prominent. This journey of learning has led me to recognize God's grace, forgiveness, His chastening, His justice, His power and His compassion.
So you see, I became pro-life through mysterious means. However, in short, it was God who was behind that. God started working on me with all those things I mentioned above. The more I learned and the more truth He set before me, the more I was humbled and the more my heart grew and wisdom increased. I have to admit, when I became pro-life, I wasn't seeking Him actively. I was still very enamored by the world's pleasures and empty promises. There was more confusion and doubt than any active search for peace and rest in Him. I was having fun for the most part. I loved Oprah, Rosie, and Hollywood movies. My apathy for world events slowly crumbled and God set many things in motion.
God showed me that I was being lied to through many channels. It set forth a huge domino effect of indignation that I had been duped but also a thirst for more answers. That's a good place to be though---malleability! It boiled down to one question. Do I believe that the Bible IS the SOLE authority or not? That was the turning point for me. After that, everything changed. I had to leave a church based on the fact that they did not really believe in the Bible. They elevated man's understanding above God's. I had to dump my presuppositions that had been inculcated in me for over 30 years. It caused a chain reaction of losing friends, losing a church and an increase in shallow conversations with family members.
But I wouldn't go back to that life before He was Lord and Savior of my life for anything. I was bought, paid for and sanctified. His Word does divide but I have an amazing amount of peace. The wheat and chaff will be separated. The sheep and goats will be separated. I just can't be a Chaffy Goat anymore! :D
My life isn't a "180" movie and I am not an insider to the abortion industry. This blog isn't going to cause a tsunami-level change to the pro-life movement (DISCLAIMER), but maybe there's a pro-lifer out there who can relate to some of the things shared here. Are you still trying to figure things out in where you stand with your pro-life beliefs? Are you still in the world enjoying the trappings? It may just boil down to just a few vital questions. Is Jesus your Savior and LORD of your WHOLE life? Is God's Word sole authority or not? Are you bowing down to the "created" or your CREATOR? Who is your Your Father in Heaven who thinks of you as worthy for His Son to pay your penalty?
Romans 1:16-25
16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. 17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
A Clear And Durable Finish
All of a sudden, I am just not very sleepy. It is past my bedtime and it would be best to not stay up so late. It has just been gnawing at me that this blog has been pretty much neglected. In fact, I need to go back and proofread my last entry. I hate typographical errors. There have been a few entries but nothing of great depth.
Perfectionism usually paralyzes me so it has been keeping me away from blogging. If I don't think I can spend an ample amount of time on it to do it justice, I procrastinate. It has been difficult to really zero in on what I want to share. There's no shortage of newsworthy stories to report but if I don't think I can do a good enough job to do justice to it, then another day goes by without blogging. Generally, blogging is not a 10 minute deal (unless I am posting only a video and even then, with computer difficulties it can stretch into a bigger ordeal....always when I have to be somewhere).
Also, it has been a rather strange couple of weeks as far as time and activities are concerned. It hasn't been a set schedule. I liken it to a kaleidoscope. All the specks of color are the activities and as the kaleidoscope is turned, the same specks of blue, green, purple, red and yellow, etc. just turn into new patterns. Some are reminiscent of a previous pattern and the same colors it is with my life. Some weeks are familiar with the same specks and colors....some slight variation but others are drastically different. There's no prediction as to how the next configuration will look.
Maybe your life is like this too? Lately, my kaleidoscope has been spun at a very rapid rate. Wait....I liked that pattern! Go back! Slow down! Ahhh....that design was soooo exquisite! Sigh. It's okay....more eye-pleasing arrangements will be arriving at a millimeter's turn. Seriously, I am truly blessed.....abundantly so. I am not referring to material blessings although, that's true as well. The days have flown by in a blur.....or a spin. Now that some projects are done and the deadlines have is my prayer to sit down and truly concentrate on a few blog entries with more depth.
I was driving to my Bible study this morning and all of a sudden I was struck with waves of gratitude....mind racing of all the blessings God has poured out on me and my family. Do we have our concerns and letdowns? Of course. Do I have my moments of cynicism? Yes, indeed....I have more moments of that than I care to admit (a common symptom after catching up with the morning news). I cried out to Him, "I MUST get over myself and I admitted out loud "I am so tired of myself; You must be too!! You won't work in me if I am so full of myself". Yet, even in my confession as I made my way to church, He reminded me how much He loved me in spite of all of my faults and idiosyncrasies. Nothing surprises Him. He knows (and has known...and will know) my thoughts, actions, deeds and my very wicked heart (which is both disconcerting AND comforting). With this in mind, I have fallen in love with a song we have been singing at our Bible study worship time. It's called "The Same Love" by Paul Baloche. Please check it out! I can't wait to purchase it (I am not so very techie as you all have noticed by now).
In the past, I have compared this process of transformation to furniture refinishing. One must take off the old laquer first. There are varieties of ways such as sanding or chemical removal. Sanding starts out with a coarser grain of sandpaper and then graduates to the finer grit. While I am not a tool girl, I have operated a sander a few times. This operation generates heat and a lot of vibration. I remember how funny my hands felt after sanding a porch over an hour. :) I have experienced that in my Christian walk too. There's also the liquid removal....the gentle emulsion that produces soft bubbling and wrinkling and there are the harsh and acrid chemicals. Let's not forget dipping furniture too. You get the point. The old must be stripped, smoothed and prepared before the furniture is restored.
These are all sequential and as my husband pointed out recently....our walk isn't really quite like that. We are constantly in a process of dealing with our weak flesh and renewing the mind. In furniture refinishing, we would not put new varnish on a chair that is still sporting old finish. Yet, even when we are saved and cleansed by His blood, we still have to deal with our daily varnish and He still applies heat and vibration to strip the old stuff off. My main premise is no matter the order of it all.....He uses a variety of means to get His desired results. Maybe this is a silly analogy. It is. Although, I still think of myself sometimes as that chair that needs so much help. All the imperfections are showing, and everyone sees them but there's a false sense of security thinking my varnish is covering up all the nicks and gouges. God's word is that sander, chemical stripper and the different sandpaper grits.
Still, He uses me and I am deeply grateful. He has given me a great family, great friends who really are also family. My church is also my friends/family. He has given me Himself, His Son, His Word and spiritual gifts. I often think if everything were to be taken from me....loved ones, health, material possessions and freedoms.....would I be so thankful? It's easy to say all this now having it all. When rubber meets the road, would I continue to be so appreciative? I would like to think so but in reality....there are days I complain about stupid stuff now (didn't I admit earlier I am so full of myself?)
So the chair is stripped.....I am forgiven, I am loved, He knows my name, I can't earn my salvation through works, I'll never be a good person but He thought me worthy to send His Son, His Son found me worthy to go willingly to the cross and I can't be snatched out of His hand. He is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. I am joyful.
So with all of my imperfections, I'll continue to share what I can in my simplistic and deeply passionate ways. It's daunting as I WANT to do my VERY best for Him. I don't know who reads this blog, who visits once or who stays. All I can do is be obedient, share Jesus and His love for life. Maybe it will change a heart and mind and ripple out to others. Even if it's just one who is affected's still worth it to have this blog.
Psalm 73: 21-26
21 Thus my heart was grieved,
And I was vexed in my mind.
22 I was so foolish and ignorant;
I was like a beast before You.
23 Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You hold me by my right hand.
24 You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.
Perfectionism usually paralyzes me so it has been keeping me away from blogging. If I don't think I can spend an ample amount of time on it to do it justice, I procrastinate. It has been difficult to really zero in on what I want to share. There's no shortage of newsworthy stories to report but if I don't think I can do a good enough job to do justice to it, then another day goes by without blogging. Generally, blogging is not a 10 minute deal (unless I am posting only a video and even then, with computer difficulties it can stretch into a bigger ordeal....always when I have to be somewhere).
Also, it has been a rather strange couple of weeks as far as time and activities are concerned. It hasn't been a set schedule. I liken it to a kaleidoscope. All the specks of color are the activities and as the kaleidoscope is turned, the same specks of blue, green, purple, red and yellow, etc. just turn into new patterns. Some are reminiscent of a previous pattern and the same colors it is with my life. Some weeks are familiar with the same specks and colors....some slight variation but others are drastically different. There's no prediction as to how the next configuration will look.
Maybe your life is like this too? Lately, my kaleidoscope has been spun at a very rapid rate. Wait....I liked that pattern! Go back! Slow down! Ahhh....that design was soooo exquisite! Sigh. It's okay....more eye-pleasing arrangements will be arriving at a millimeter's turn. Seriously, I am truly blessed.....abundantly so. I am not referring to material blessings although, that's true as well. The days have flown by in a blur.....or a spin. Now that some projects are done and the deadlines have is my prayer to sit down and truly concentrate on a few blog entries with more depth.
I was driving to my Bible study this morning and all of a sudden I was struck with waves of gratitude....mind racing of all the blessings God has poured out on me and my family. Do we have our concerns and letdowns? Of course. Do I have my moments of cynicism? Yes, indeed....I have more moments of that than I care to admit (a common symptom after catching up with the morning news). I cried out to Him, "I MUST get over myself and I admitted out loud "I am so tired of myself; You must be too!! You won't work in me if I am so full of myself". Yet, even in my confession as I made my way to church, He reminded me how much He loved me in spite of all of my faults and idiosyncrasies. Nothing surprises Him. He knows (and has known...and will know) my thoughts, actions, deeds and my very wicked heart (which is both disconcerting AND comforting). With this in mind, I have fallen in love with a song we have been singing at our Bible study worship time. It's called "The Same Love" by Paul Baloche. Please check it out! I can't wait to purchase it (I am not so very techie as you all have noticed by now).
In the past, I have compared this process of transformation to furniture refinishing. One must take off the old laquer first. There are varieties of ways such as sanding or chemical removal. Sanding starts out with a coarser grain of sandpaper and then graduates to the finer grit. While I am not a tool girl, I have operated a sander a few times. This operation generates heat and a lot of vibration. I remember how funny my hands felt after sanding a porch over an hour. :) I have experienced that in my Christian walk too. There's also the liquid removal....the gentle emulsion that produces soft bubbling and wrinkling and there are the harsh and acrid chemicals. Let's not forget dipping furniture too. You get the point. The old must be stripped, smoothed and prepared before the furniture is restored.
These are all sequential and as my husband pointed out recently....our walk isn't really quite like that. We are constantly in a process of dealing with our weak flesh and renewing the mind. In furniture refinishing, we would not put new varnish on a chair that is still sporting old finish. Yet, even when we are saved and cleansed by His blood, we still have to deal with our daily varnish and He still applies heat and vibration to strip the old stuff off. My main premise is no matter the order of it all.....He uses a variety of means to get His desired results. Maybe this is a silly analogy. It is. Although, I still think of myself sometimes as that chair that needs so much help. All the imperfections are showing, and everyone sees them but there's a false sense of security thinking my varnish is covering up all the nicks and gouges. God's word is that sander, chemical stripper and the different sandpaper grits.
Still, He uses me and I am deeply grateful. He has given me a great family, great friends who really are also family. My church is also my friends/family. He has given me Himself, His Son, His Word and spiritual gifts. I often think if everything were to be taken from me....loved ones, health, material possessions and freedoms.....would I be so thankful? It's easy to say all this now having it all. When rubber meets the road, would I continue to be so appreciative? I would like to think so but in reality....there are days I complain about stupid stuff now (didn't I admit earlier I am so full of myself?)
So the chair is stripped.....I am forgiven, I am loved, He knows my name, I can't earn my salvation through works, I'll never be a good person but He thought me worthy to send His Son, His Son found me worthy to go willingly to the cross and I can't be snatched out of His hand. He is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. I am joyful.
So with all of my imperfections, I'll continue to share what I can in my simplistic and deeply passionate ways. It's daunting as I WANT to do my VERY best for Him. I don't know who reads this blog, who visits once or who stays. All I can do is be obedient, share Jesus and His love for life. Maybe it will change a heart and mind and ripple out to others. Even if it's just one who is affected's still worth it to have this blog.
Psalm 73: 21-26
21 Thus my heart was grieved,
And I was vexed in my mind.
22 I was so foolish and ignorant;
I was like a beast before You.
23 Nevertheless I am continually with You;
You hold me by my right hand.
24 You will guide me with Your counsel,
And afterward receive me to glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
26 My flesh and my heart fail;But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.
26 My flesh and my heart fail;But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Honoring all the father's out there! Happy Father's Day! I am very blessed to have a great father and to be married to a man who is a great father as well. Thankful and grateful to God, my ulitmate and perfect Father in Heaven for life and for His Son who has heaped blessings on me every day. Most importantly, He has given me ETERNAL life! :)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Will They Be Shut Down?
Here we go again! Only this time the abortion facilities are located in the state of Arizona where it is illegal to abort based on race or gender.
It is my belief that if you see one or two termites or one or two mice, there's most likely an infestation of more hidden in the recesses of the walls, attics and basements. I would not be surprised if this is standard practice in many places, including the states where it is expressly forbidden.
In my pro-life journey, I have definitely learned abortionists don't respect or follow laws. If one were to really scrutinize the facilities and shut them down based on their refusal to adhere to laws, they would all disappear. By the way, a facility in Columbus, Ohio has been shut down. I praise God that enough people in the right departments actually followed through on violations and reports of botched abortions taking place.
After the Kermit Gosnell debacle, maybe there are more state officials getting nervous that their own states might be highlighted for such gross oversights, callous regard and incompetence. We know there are more out there...they just haven't been caught yet. Good job, Ohio (and Alabama). Keep up the scrutinizing and keep shutting them down. Abortion mills are a public menace and a total blight on our society.
Read here:
More has been a crazy and busy month.
It is my belief that if you see one or two termites or one or two mice, there's most likely an infestation of more hidden in the recesses of the walls, attics and basements. I would not be surprised if this is standard practice in many places, including the states where it is expressly forbidden.
In my pro-life journey, I have definitely learned abortionists don't respect or follow laws. If one were to really scrutinize the facilities and shut them down based on their refusal to adhere to laws, they would all disappear. By the way, a facility in Columbus, Ohio has been shut down. I praise God that enough people in the right departments actually followed through on violations and reports of botched abortions taking place.
After the Kermit Gosnell debacle, maybe there are more state officials getting nervous that their own states might be highlighted for such gross oversights, callous regard and incompetence. We know there are more out there...they just haven't been caught yet. Good job, Ohio (and Alabama). Keep up the scrutinizing and keep shutting them down. Abortion mills are a public menace and a total blight on our society.
Read here:
More has been a crazy and busy month.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
An "Isolated" Incident?
Not once when I was carrying my babies did the medical personnel call either one "the sex of the pregnancy". I was asked for both babies if I wanted to know the sex of my baby. NOT did I want to know the "sex of the pregnancy". This is typical of the abortion industry though, to dehumanize the human in the womb. Terms like "clumps of cells" and "blobs of tissue" are used. By the way, we are ALL clumps of cells and blobs of tissue if we really want to get technical. I never stopped being either of those terms above just because my location changed, my development is different, my dependency status (my mother doesn't provide my nutritional or shelter needs) is lessened and my size is greater than when I was in my mother's womb.
However, it's the modus operandi to make sure any woman or girl who steps into an abortion facility to persuade her that she is not carrying a baby but only "potential life" or nothing that resembles a human being whatsover. As one girl was told at an Appleton, WI Planned Parenthood center, her baby "had no arms, no legs, no head and no brain".....which at 8 weeks, they clearly do.
Last night, I was watching "The Five" and of course, Bob Beckel had to repeat the lies of Planned Parenthood that only 3% of their services are abortion. First of all, those numbers are more like about 11%. Either they are lying or they can't do basic math with the numbers they provide from their own records. They have some fuzzy numbers anyway when it comes to their claim of healthcare for low-income women as Bryan Kemper has highlighted here:
Then, Beckel went on to say that this first video is only an isolated incident. Anyone who knows Lila Rose's work knows by now that there is NEVER just one video. Since she knows the Planned Parenthood M.O. inside and out, she's always prepared to answer that "it's a hoax" and "it's an isolated incident" with more videos to prove them wrong.
There are sure to be more around the corner. I am always curious in what areas she visits when she does these undercover operations. She canvasses different regions which helps the credibility even more for those so-called "isolated" episodes.
Another undercover operation that preceded Lila Rose's work was Mark Crutcher's (of Life Dynamics), Child Predators. His team called all the Planned Parenthood centers in the curiosity of finding out how they would answer a statutory rape situation. Over 91% of the workers coached the girl to get around the laws of their state, instead of mandatorily reporting as they are required by law. All the audios of the tapes can be heard at this link.
Many from the abortion industry could try very hard to say that these stings of Crutcher's and Rose's are just set-ups. However, Crutcher and Rose both just expose what is really going on in these centers. We have to remember that there are real, documented court cases of real victims of sexual abuse. There are girls out there who have been forced into abortions by their stepfathers, fathers, older brothers, abductors, and their teachers/coaches. Instead of reporting to the police like they are required to do, Planned Parenthood sent the girls back to their abusers to repeat the abuse.
No, this isn't an isolated's an infestation!
Lila Rose,
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Where Have All the Young Girls Gone? Long Time Passing....
This is the latest video by with Lila Rose. While we see most of the gendercide of females taking place in Asian countries (163 million in Asia alone), it is also taking place in the United States as well.
Arizona, Oklahoma, Illinois and Pennsylvania all prohibit this sex-selection choice (sickening to think that 46 states do not prohibit this). Of course, even in those states, we can't trust or guarantee that Planned Parenthood isn't skirting the law. After all, they defy the laws on mandatory reporting of statutory rape so it only stands to follow their logic in other areas as well.
No mystery to the Christians who see this pretty plainly....we are all equal in God's eyes no matter what our skin color is, what our gender is and what our age is. While He certainly designed our outside appearances, He weighs what is in our hearts (and we Christians know how desperately wicked those are!).
The blog title is a song (changed a bit) from the 1970's. My dad sang it on his guitar and it popped into memory at this subject. However, the end of the song asks the question..."When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn." That last question can be directed to not just the abortionist industry but all who allow it to happen.
It's tough out there....we know there are already plenty of people who are living a life of debauchery proudly. The Bible tells us not to be surprised by them....that's to be expected. However, what about the believers? When
will THEY ever learn? I also know and meet plenty of people who proclaim Jesus as their Savior and claim to love him but they do not learn. Abortion is permitted by the silence of the church. This comment has been made repeatedly on Facebook pro-life pages. I wince because it's true and I never want MY church to be silent. I pray it never does
I have been working on a project of late. It's all God's timing and ways as to how this will all go. As I do my work, the thought never leaves my mind that if all the churches of my city were to be involved, abortion would be a distant memory in a quick fashion. It would be a pretty instant change and babies, moms, dads, and families would be saved. But it's not just my city.....the whole country could be rid of the heinous, barbaric act of child sacrifice overnight if the churches would take a stand and not be silent. Not at all different from the churches who stayed silent on the Jews' disappearance and extermination in Germany.
As the story goes, the churches there heard the trains carrying the Jews and heard the cries of those whisked away to suffering and death. These churches knew but instead of dealing with it, they covered up the cries by singing a little louder. We don't want any child to be matter what the gender, color or physical and mental state might be....but we need to spread this word farther, wider and louder to the corners of the more targeting the "least of these".
When will WE ever learn? Even better than this song lyric is God's Holy and Perfect, uncorrupted Words ...
Arizona, Oklahoma, Illinois and Pennsylvania all prohibit this sex-selection choice (sickening to think that 46 states do not prohibit this). Of course, even in those states, we can't trust or guarantee that Planned Parenthood isn't skirting the law. After all, they defy the laws on mandatory reporting of statutory rape so it only stands to follow their logic in other areas as well.
No mystery to the Christians who see this pretty plainly....we are all equal in God's eyes no matter what our skin color is, what our gender is and what our age is. While He certainly designed our outside appearances, He weighs what is in our hearts (and we Christians know how desperately wicked those are!).
The blog title is a song (changed a bit) from the 1970's. My dad sang it on his guitar and it popped into memory at this subject. However, the end of the song asks the question..."When will they ever learn? When will they ever learn." That last question can be directed to not just the abortionist industry but all who allow it to happen.
It's tough out there....we know there are already plenty of people who are living a life of debauchery proudly. The Bible tells us not to be surprised by them....that's to be expected. However, what about the believers? When
will THEY ever learn? I also know and meet plenty of people who proclaim Jesus as their Savior and claim to love him but they do not learn. Abortion is permitted by the silence of the church. This comment has been made repeatedly on Facebook pro-life pages. I wince because it's true and I never want MY church to be silent. I pray it never does
I have been working on a project of late. It's all God's timing and ways as to how this will all go. As I do my work, the thought never leaves my mind that if all the churches of my city were to be involved, abortion would be a distant memory in a quick fashion. It would be a pretty instant change and babies, moms, dads, and families would be saved. But it's not just my city.....the whole country could be rid of the heinous, barbaric act of child sacrifice overnight if the churches would take a stand and not be silent. Not at all different from the churches who stayed silent on the Jews' disappearance and extermination in Germany.
As the story goes, the churches there heard the trains carrying the Jews and heard the cries of those whisked away to suffering and death. These churches knew but instead of dealing with it, they covered up the cries by singing a little louder. We don't want any child to be matter what the gender, color or physical and mental state might be....but we need to spread this word farther, wider and louder to the corners of the more targeting the "least of these".
When will WE ever learn? Even better than this song lyric is God's Holy and Perfect, uncorrupted Words ...
2 Timothy 3:6-9
New King James Version (NKJV)
6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
There's a lot of pro-life news to cover which I am sorely behind in sharing. However, Mother's Day is now upon us here in the U.S.A. In celebration, here is a video that may touch your heart and inspire you to share with others!
There's a lot of pro-life news to cover which I am sorely behind in sharing. However, Mother's Day is now upon us here in the U.S.A. In celebration, here is a video that may touch your heart and inspire you to share with others!
Thoughts, anyone?
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Has anyone seen "Schindler's List"?
I haven't seen it in a long time but I am thinking maybe it's time to see it again. The first time I saw it was when it came out. Given that it was about the Holocaust, I knew that it was going to be difficult to watch but felt that it was an important subject. I wasn't really a practicing Christian back then, but knew from reading books and seeing newsreels that it was an atrocious and horrific event of history. Who could treat human beings that way?
Holocaust-deniers excepting, and of course, those who are completely ignorant of the Holocaust (because it's not taught to everyone anymore), we could agree that the Holocaust was a shameful period and that Adolph Hitler was a monster of heinous proportion. Hollywood strangely ignores Stalin, Lenin and Castro (they have a baffling love affair with Castro and Che too), but we can somehow all agree that Hitler is an acceptable movie villain and the Holocaust is still a subject that can be filmed that we all agree that it is the penultimate evil. Look at all the political mudslinging ....each side compares the other to Hitler and His regime. Yet, when it comes to abortion, the ones who use Hitler as their comparison of evil, conveniently forget that Hitler's ideas are exactly like their own ideas when it comes to abortion.
It goes something like this:
Pro-abortion proponent. "Oh yes, Hitler was evil. He ordered millions to be killed those who he didn't think measured up to his ideal of a perfect human being." BUT (same person), yes, the baby in the womb with Down syndrome doesn't match up to our ideal of a perfect human being so we need to "end that pregnancy". "Oh yes, Hitler was evil and we are appalled that he wanted certain types to be annihilated, BUT you see this baby in the womb who belongs to a woman who is "unfit or of a very poor neighborhood? We want that certain type to be annihlated in the womb". Watch this take place in "Maafa 21". Check it out.
So I mention this as a perspective:
Put yourself in this scenario. It's WWII and you have heard of reports of Jews detained in "workcamps" and may have even heard of Jews exterminated in ovens. You are understandably horrified to hear that such things are taking place and you start sharing this with people you know. Most of your circles agree that these are horrible events and you all want to find ways to see if any action to help these people. In the midst of your actions, a person comes to you and says, "My son just got a promotion!" All proud and puffed, "He's an officer at Buchenwald and he just pinned on colonel!" Your reaction is ..."I will pray that God finds a way to get him out of that!". The facial reaction is replaced with "He's a Christian and Hitler's regime has done a LOT of good for Germany!" You question, "Do you realize that there are people who are murdered every day?"
A few years ago, I found out that a family member worked for Planned Parenthood. This family member could have worked for this organization before the name change took place. Planned Parenthood was the "kinder and gentler" moniker given after the Holocaust atrocities were reported worldwide. Before that, the organization was "The Birth Control League" and "controlling" sounded too harsh to advertise. "Planning" is the new "controlling".
When I found out, there was no source of pride obviously, only deep sadness. This distant family member had high position in society and lived in a time and place in history where this was a rampant kind of mentality in these particular circles (well, it's still rampant now but now it's not just certain elite groups that hold this position). Even though many people claim to be Christians, there's an indoctrination of many to accept eugenics as an acceptable .
It was like the "new fashion"...the height of sophisticated thought. Anyone who watches "Maafa 21" knows that there were (and still are) elite groups implementing eugenics. I do not condone this family member's involvement.....but all the dots connect in what I do know about this family. It is an indoctrination of eugenics that gets passed down to many. I was taught this mindset as well (refer to blog entry "I am Number 11 or "I am 44")
It's what I fight against as a Christian though. I wouldn't love this family member any less (although long passed on now) but I would not be proud of the person's mentality or involvement. Praying for family members who are so deceived is what we need to do. Maybe you have family members who are enslaved to false ideologies.....which make for the shallowest of relationships.
ALL people are created equal in God's eyes. He created each one uniquely in His image.
Recently, a person came up to me and crowed about a child's promotion at Planned Parenthood (I say "child" but this person is an adult and I am keeping this general). Now as a parent, I would be pretty proud of any promotion my children would receive so it's understandable that this person would be proud of the family member. However, in the perspective of this organization and their shared goals of Hitler's Third Reich, the words were equivalent to "MY child just got promoted to full bird colonel (or the corollary) in Hitler's regime at Buchenwald." My response? "I will pray that family member of yours will leave the Buchenwald establisment." Surprised look! "Well, Buchenwald kills 999 Jews every day. By the way, those are Buchenwald's numbers they claim, not mine." The reaction is defend, defend, defend...."after all, Buchenwald has done a lot of good.".
I am not having any of it, especially trying to inject a moral equivalency of our own Armed Forces to Hitler's regime. Yeah, I am not receiving that! Sadly, this person defends Planned Parenthood, defends abortion and population control and is completely indoctrinated in a deep eugenics ideology. I will pray for these people who call themselves Christian yet don't actually believe the Christian tenants that we are all created equal and that we are created in His image. It's not easy to hear a non-Christian defend the purposeful dismemberment of an infant in the womb but it's really hard to hear someone claim they are Christian and do the same thing.
In all my years of talking to pro-aborts, it doesn't take very long before the inevitable question...."what if your daughter were raped/attacked?" Sigh. She has been in this scenario with every kind of possible attacker (always revealing the mind of the inquisitor.....HIV guy, minority guy, minority HIV guy, Martian, Creature of the Black Lagoon guy, and the baby is always conceived with some kind of IMPOSSIBLE-to-cure syndrome. And always, they think they are the first one to ever think of this scenario because they are so sophisticated in cutting-edge . What would I do? Hmmmmmm? Let's see.
God, in His infinite wisdom and power, knew this would happen. He has opened the womb. He has given my daughter a blessing out of an atrocious act of violence. God loves my daughter more than I love her. God loves me. God is GOOD. Through every challenge and atrocity, God is GOOD. God is our Creator and He is enough. I need no one else. He will give us everything we need to get through anything we face in our lives.
The amazing thing is I get reactions sometimes from "Christians" who just look at me in disbelief and say, "OH, REALLY!!!" Yeah, really. Don't you know our God who is faithful 100% and who loves us so much His own Son went willingly to the cross for my sins, my daughter's sins, my son's sins, my husband's sins and even the sins of a would-be HIV-infected, rapist?
Please pray for me because while I am deadly serious about my trust in the Lord on the big things like HIV-infected Creatures of the Black Lagoon attacking my daughter in attack scenarios, I still trip up on little pebbles like "fears" of .....well, the littler things we face every day.....I'll just leave it at that. ;) God is working on me on those things.
I am grateful He loves me where I am at right now.....He meets me there and yet, keeps pruning. I know I grieve Him with my thought life, my distrust in the small things and many other things but I am grateful I don't have to earn my way to Heaven. There is not one thing I can do to get into Heaven. I can't be a good person and I can't do works for my Heaven visa. His Son paid my fine and He sees me as I am....cleansed of all iniquity. He has blotted it all and chooses to forget. I am loved and forgiven. :D <3 Are you forgiven?
I haven't seen it in a long time but I am thinking maybe it's time to see it again. The first time I saw it was when it came out. Given that it was about the Holocaust, I knew that it was going to be difficult to watch but felt that it was an important subject. I wasn't really a practicing Christian back then, but knew from reading books and seeing newsreels that it was an atrocious and horrific event of history. Who could treat human beings that way?
Holocaust-deniers excepting, and of course, those who are completely ignorant of the Holocaust (because it's not taught to everyone anymore), we could agree that the Holocaust was a shameful period and that Adolph Hitler was a monster of heinous proportion. Hollywood strangely ignores Stalin, Lenin and Castro (they have a baffling love affair with Castro and Che too), but we can somehow all agree that Hitler is an acceptable movie villain and the Holocaust is still a subject that can be filmed that we all agree that it is the penultimate evil. Look at all the political mudslinging ....each side compares the other to Hitler and His regime. Yet, when it comes to abortion, the ones who use Hitler as their comparison of evil, conveniently forget that Hitler's ideas are exactly like their own ideas when it comes to abortion.
It goes something like this:
Pro-abortion proponent. "Oh yes, Hitler was evil. He ordered millions to be killed those who he didn't think measured up to his ideal of a perfect human being." BUT (same person), yes, the baby in the womb with Down syndrome doesn't match up to our ideal of a perfect human being so we need to "end that pregnancy". "Oh yes, Hitler was evil and we are appalled that he wanted certain types to be annihilated, BUT you see this baby in the womb who belongs to a woman who is "unfit or of a very poor neighborhood? We want that certain type to be annihlated in the womb". Watch this take place in "Maafa 21". Check it out.
So I mention this as a perspective:
Put yourself in this scenario. It's WWII and you have heard of reports of Jews detained in "workcamps" and may have even heard of Jews exterminated in ovens. You are understandably horrified to hear that such things are taking place and you start sharing this with people you know. Most of your circles agree that these are horrible events and you all want to find ways to see if any action to help these people. In the midst of your actions, a person comes to you and says, "My son just got a promotion!" All proud and puffed, "He's an officer at Buchenwald and he just pinned on colonel!" Your reaction is ..."I will pray that God finds a way to get him out of that!". The facial reaction is replaced with "He's a Christian and Hitler's regime has done a LOT of good for Germany!" You question, "Do you realize that there are people who are murdered every day?"
A few years ago, I found out that a family member worked for Planned Parenthood. This family member could have worked for this organization before the name change took place. Planned Parenthood was the "kinder and gentler" moniker given after the Holocaust atrocities were reported worldwide. Before that, the organization was "The Birth Control League" and "controlling" sounded too harsh to advertise. "Planning" is the new "controlling".
When I found out, there was no source of pride obviously, only deep sadness. This distant family member had high position in society and lived in a time and place in history where this was a rampant kind of mentality in these particular circles (well, it's still rampant now but now it's not just certain elite groups that hold this position). Even though many people claim to be Christians, there's an indoctrination of many to accept eugenics as an acceptable .
It was like the "new fashion"...the height of sophisticated thought. Anyone who watches "Maafa 21" knows that there were (and still are) elite groups implementing eugenics. I do not condone this family member's involvement.....but all the dots connect in what I do know about this family. It is an indoctrination of eugenics that gets passed down to many. I was taught this mindset as well (refer to blog entry "I am Number 11 or "I am 44")
It's what I fight against as a Christian though. I wouldn't love this family member any less (although long passed on now) but I would not be proud of the person's mentality or involvement. Praying for family members who are so deceived is what we need to do. Maybe you have family members who are enslaved to false ideologies.....which make for the shallowest of relationships.
ALL people are created equal in God's eyes. He created each one uniquely in His image.
Recently, a person came up to me and crowed about a child's promotion at Planned Parenthood (I say "child" but this person is an adult and I am keeping this general). Now as a parent, I would be pretty proud of any promotion my children would receive so it's understandable that this person would be proud of the family member. However, in the perspective of this organization and their shared goals of Hitler's Third Reich, the words were equivalent to "MY child just got promoted to full bird colonel (or the corollary) in Hitler's regime at Buchenwald." My response? "I will pray that family member of yours will leave the Buchenwald establisment." Surprised look! "Well, Buchenwald kills 999 Jews every day. By the way, those are Buchenwald's numbers they claim, not mine." The reaction is defend, defend, defend...."after all, Buchenwald has done a lot of good.".
I am not having any of it, especially trying to inject a moral equivalency of our own Armed Forces to Hitler's regime. Yeah, I am not receiving that! Sadly, this person defends Planned Parenthood, defends abortion and population control and is completely indoctrinated in a deep eugenics ideology. I will pray for these people who call themselves Christian yet don't actually believe the Christian tenants that we are all created equal and that we are created in His image. It's not easy to hear a non-Christian defend the purposeful dismemberment of an infant in the womb but it's really hard to hear someone claim they are Christian and do the same thing.
In all my years of talking to pro-aborts, it doesn't take very long before the inevitable question...."what if your daughter were raped/attacked?" Sigh. She has been in this scenario with every kind of possible attacker (always revealing the mind of the inquisitor.....HIV guy, minority guy, minority HIV guy, Martian, Creature of the Black Lagoon guy, and the baby is always conceived with some kind of IMPOSSIBLE-to-cure syndrome. And always, they think they are the first one to ever think of this scenario because they are so sophisticated in cutting-edge . What would I do? Hmmmmmm? Let's see.
God, in His infinite wisdom and power, knew this would happen. He has opened the womb. He has given my daughter a blessing out of an atrocious act of violence. God loves my daughter more than I love her. God loves me. God is GOOD. Through every challenge and atrocity, God is GOOD. God is our Creator and He is enough. I need no one else. He will give us everything we need to get through anything we face in our lives.
The amazing thing is I get reactions sometimes from "Christians" who just look at me in disbelief and say, "OH, REALLY!!!" Yeah, really. Don't you know our God who is faithful 100% and who loves us so much His own Son went willingly to the cross for my sins, my daughter's sins, my son's sins, my husband's sins and even the sins of a would-be HIV-infected, rapist?
Please pray for me because while I am deadly serious about my trust in the Lord on the big things like HIV-infected Creatures of the Black Lagoon attacking my daughter in attack scenarios, I still trip up on little pebbles like "fears" of .....well, the littler things we face every day.....I'll just leave it at that. ;) God is working on me on those things.
I am grateful He loves me where I am at right now.....He meets me there and yet, keeps pruning. I know I grieve Him with my thought life, my distrust in the small things and many other things but I am grateful I don't have to earn my way to Heaven. There is not one thing I can do to get into Heaven. I can't be a good person and I can't do works for my Heaven visa. His Son paid my fine and He sees me as I am....cleansed of all iniquity. He has blotted it all and chooses to forget. I am loved and forgiven. :D <3 Are you forgiven?
Friday, March 23, 2012
October Baby
March 23, 2012 is the premier for the pro-life film "October Baby".
My husband and I were fortunate to be able to attend a sneak preview a little while back. OF COURSE, I am not going to give any spoilers. I have included a trailer for you all!
John Schneider (I am dating myself when I mention his early fame in "Dukes of Hazzard") portrays the father and Jasmine Guy (once again, I am dating myself when I admit that we watched "A Different World" and "The Cosby Show" when it was brand-new) has a cameo as the nurse. She delivers a very powerful scene which is my favorite part of the movie. Again, no spoilers but the movie is sensitively- written and directed given the subject matter. It's obvious I don't write movie reviews for a living but one theme that was addressed in "October Baby" is forgiveness. This was a healing film for one of the actors and I do not have doubt that it will offer that to many of the audience members as well.
I have seen quite a few pro-life films now. It's a subject for another day when you think of some movies that weren't meant to have a pro-life message originally. Most of the films I see are documentaries. "Blood Money", "Eggsploitation", "Maafa 21" and even "180" all are documentaries. One dvd I highly recommend is "The Truth Behind Abortion" by Pastor Will Ford via Ex-Ministries. It's a very different kind of video as it's extremely gripping explanation of the spiritual aspect of abortion. It opened my eyes to a whole different level...abortion really is in the spiritual realm.
Of the fictional fare, "Bella" is a story that highlights the beauty of adoption and family. I have not seen the movie "Tilly" yet but am going to very soon. It is fictional as well (by Frank Peretti). One more I'll mention and that is "22 Weeks". This short film is based on a true story of a mother who had chosen abortion but was shocked to see her baby survive. Immediately remorseful for her mistake of choosing abortion, the mother attempts to get help from the abortion staff, who ignores her. She ends up calling her friend via cellphone who calls authorities. Actual 911 calls can be heard on YouTube of this tragic event taking place.
Except for the fictional and beautiful "Bella", not one movie comes to mind that addresses this particular subject in "October Baby". If successful in distribution, this movie could make a huge impact. It could compel a lot of people to research a subject they could never imagine existed in their wildest dreams. They could also be made aware of the thousands of pregnancy resource centers which need prayer, volunteer support, encouragement, donations and monetary support.
Of course, no surprise to anyone who knows me or has read this blog long enough......this could lead to even further disapproval of Planned Parenthood. No, this would not disappoint me in the least. Pro-choicers do shudder....they are desperate these days thanks to the work of Lila Rose and Live Action. Whatever comes of this movie, I am sure God will use it for His purposes. Is it a perfect movie? No. I could pick it apart and I wish I could tweak it here and there but really, with the rare exceptions, very few movies escape my desire to fix them. One of my favorite movies is "Despicable Me".
As I mentioned this movie "October Baby" could have a wonderful impact for pregnancy resource centers. Why not support a local pregnancy resource center now (if you don't already)??? What can they use or accept? What can you do? ALL pregnancy resource centers (aka "crisis pregnancy centers") need prayer. The spiritual attack is steady and unceasing (remember that "Truth Behind Abortion" documentary several paragraphs above?).
So many centers face different challenges in various forms. So please always pray for the staff, the volunteers, their building situation (such as repairs or limited space, security), their finances, their donations (diapers, formula, baby food, maternity clothes, baby clothes, baby furniture, office supplies) and of course, just daily operations!!! Pray for protection as there is an attack to close them down by way of legal means. Also, pray for their future plans and visions.
Make sure you pray for those clients who come in scared, defiant to God's word, confused, uneducated, and indoctrinated by the world's lies. Many of these girls and women have never been very well-treated and this may be the first place that they experience unconditional love. Pray for those mommies and the daddies too. I can't emphasize prayer enough when it comes to pregnancy resource centers. They start their days in prayer and their operating hours are bathed in it. They covet your prayers!
All you have to do is look up your area's pregnancy centers (look up Abortion Alternatives or crisis pregnancy centers) I use, also you can look up Care Net for their affiliates and also for their hotline number 1-800-395-HELP. When I found the local pregnancy center in my town, my link came from Feminists for Life (Patricia Heaton is their spokeswoman).
On March 22, 2012, my computer froze up while typing up this blog entry. I gave up on it and ended up watching "Tilly" while my family was out. I highly recommend "Tilly". It's only 41 minutes long (it's a VHS that I got free with my order from Heritage House 76). Included with the story is a discussion panel interview as well as an interview with the author. I haven't completed the whole video but the actual production of "Tilly" is very beautiful. It is different from "October Baby" in a slight different subject matter. To point it out here would give too much away. See how careful I am???
Recently my husband and I attended the fundraiser banquet for our local pregnancy resource center. My husband counted that this was our 8th year to attend! Every year, we have had a wonderful keynote speaker and have been able to invite several people from our church to see what our prc is doing. It's an eye-opener for many to see so many pro-lifers in one room. Well, I would say most attendees are very pro-life. The majority are there for the reason of supporting the center.
Some, may be there for the first time invited as guests who have no idea what the center does and may come out of curiosity. Some may be there because it's good to be there for election purposes. Some may be there because they were dragged there. No matter if the motive isn't in allegiance to helping the event, the main thing is they heard, maybe for the first time, a message of life. They see the pro-life community banded together. Like God's message of the Gospel, it plants seeds deep and at a later time, will mature. I AM praying for one in particular to really embrace the pro-life message.
Our keynote speaker this year was Governor Mike Huckabee. Again, I won't give spoilers in case he comes to YOUR event. He told a particularly powerful account of taking his (then) 11-year old daughter to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial in Israel. I understood his concern and vacillation to expose someone that young to something so horrific. I have faced a similar concern in the past in raising my children. We don't want our children too insulated so that they are only into themselves. However, we are saddened when they realize how much evil, and the depth of it, is in the world. It's only my opinion, but I think he handled that very well.
The former governor of Arkansas shared, with humor, his background in careers and callings. He spent time in advertising but then became a minister. It was the pro-life issues that pressed upon him to become involved in politics. Many politicians only become "pro-life" when it's politically expedient. Congressman Tom Tancredo once said, "I trust those conversions when they happen on the road to Damascus and not on the road to Des Moines". Amen to THAT!
Please, please, go see "October Baby" if it's in your area!!! If it's not, then maybe go find a showing in another city. :) If that is not feasible, then just wait for it on dvd. Share the link with others you know who may be able to to go see it. Urge family, friends and acquaintances! Pray it stays in the theaters a long time and that word-of-mouth keeps this movie spreading.
Our country is turning the tide for pro-life in the first time since 1996. We are now seeing a change in attitude and it's with the youth now. They are picking up the baton and running with it. Most are recognizing that there IS a baby in the womb (thanks to technology) and it's not a "blob of cells". They ARE recognizing that most of their generation is missing. They do see that their mothers and grandmothers who bought into the lie of "choice" were affected emotionally and mentally. They see the truth and as a result are willing to do something about it. Thanks to Lila Rose
and many youths getting involved in pro-life groups and clubs that engage high schools and universities, the issue of abortion is forefront. Hearts are changing and minds are searching for more information.
I'll just add this. One of the people who saw "October Baby" with us went home afterwards and spent a couple of hours on the internet researching. That is just the kind of thing that the abortion industry does not want! Multiply that with how many people will view this film (who may be new to pro-life or even this specific pro-life subject) and then pray for that curiosity and impact. The abortion industry thrives on ignorance and deception. This film will knock down some walls of ignorance and deception.
Psalm 73:21-23
Thus my heart was grieved, And I was vexed in my mind. I was so foolish ignorant; I was like a beast before You.
Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand.
My husband and I were fortunate to be able to attend a sneak preview a little while back. OF COURSE, I am not going to give any spoilers. I have included a trailer for you all!
John Schneider (I am dating myself when I mention his early fame in "Dukes of Hazzard") portrays the father and Jasmine Guy (once again, I am dating myself when I admit that we watched "A Different World" and "The Cosby Show" when it was brand-new) has a cameo as the nurse. She delivers a very powerful scene which is my favorite part of the movie. Again, no spoilers but the movie is sensitively- written and directed given the subject matter. It's obvious I don't write movie reviews for a living but one theme that was addressed in "October Baby" is forgiveness. This was a healing film for one of the actors and I do not have doubt that it will offer that to many of the audience members as well.
I have seen quite a few pro-life films now. It's a subject for another day when you think of some movies that weren't meant to have a pro-life message originally. Most of the films I see are documentaries. "Blood Money", "Eggsploitation", "Maafa 21" and even "180" all are documentaries. One dvd I highly recommend is "The Truth Behind Abortion" by Pastor Will Ford via Ex-Ministries. It's a very different kind of video as it's extremely gripping explanation of the spiritual aspect of abortion. It opened my eyes to a whole different level...abortion really is in the spiritual realm.
Of the fictional fare, "Bella" is a story that highlights the beauty of adoption and family. I have not seen the movie "Tilly" yet but am going to very soon. It is fictional as well (by Frank Peretti). One more I'll mention and that is "22 Weeks". This short film is based on a true story of a mother who had chosen abortion but was shocked to see her baby survive. Immediately remorseful for her mistake of choosing abortion, the mother attempts to get help from the abortion staff, who ignores her. She ends up calling her friend via cellphone who calls authorities. Actual 911 calls can be heard on YouTube of this tragic event taking place.
Except for the fictional and beautiful "Bella", not one movie comes to mind that addresses this particular subject in "October Baby". If successful in distribution, this movie could make a huge impact. It could compel a lot of people to research a subject they could never imagine existed in their wildest dreams. They could also be made aware of the thousands of pregnancy resource centers which need prayer, volunteer support, encouragement, donations and monetary support.
Of course, no surprise to anyone who knows me or has read this blog long enough......this could lead to even further disapproval of Planned Parenthood. No, this would not disappoint me in the least. Pro-choicers do shudder....they are desperate these days thanks to the work of Lila Rose and Live Action. Whatever comes of this movie, I am sure God will use it for His purposes. Is it a perfect movie? No. I could pick it apart and I wish I could tweak it here and there but really, with the rare exceptions, very few movies escape my desire to fix them. One of my favorite movies is "Despicable Me".
As I mentioned this movie "October Baby" could have a wonderful impact for pregnancy resource centers. Why not support a local pregnancy resource center now (if you don't already)??? What can they use or accept? What can you do? ALL pregnancy resource centers (aka "crisis pregnancy centers") need prayer. The spiritual attack is steady and unceasing (remember that "Truth Behind Abortion" documentary several paragraphs above?).
So many centers face different challenges in various forms. So please always pray for the staff, the volunteers, their building situation (such as repairs or limited space, security), their finances, their donations (diapers, formula, baby food, maternity clothes, baby clothes, baby furniture, office supplies) and of course, just daily operations!!! Pray for protection as there is an attack to close them down by way of legal means. Also, pray for their future plans and visions.
Make sure you pray for those clients who come in scared, defiant to God's word, confused, uneducated, and indoctrinated by the world's lies. Many of these girls and women have never been very well-treated and this may be the first place that they experience unconditional love. Pray for those mommies and the daddies too. I can't emphasize prayer enough when it comes to pregnancy resource centers. They start their days in prayer and their operating hours are bathed in it. They covet your prayers!
All you have to do is look up your area's pregnancy centers (look up Abortion Alternatives or crisis pregnancy centers) I use, also you can look up Care Net for their affiliates and also for their hotline number 1-800-395-HELP. When I found the local pregnancy center in my town, my link came from Feminists for Life (Patricia Heaton is their spokeswoman).
On March 22, 2012, my computer froze up while typing up this blog entry. I gave up on it and ended up watching "Tilly" while my family was out. I highly recommend "Tilly". It's only 41 minutes long (it's a VHS that I got free with my order from Heritage House 76). Included with the story is a discussion panel interview as well as an interview with the author. I haven't completed the whole video but the actual production of "Tilly" is very beautiful. It is different from "October Baby" in a slight different subject matter. To point it out here would give too much away. See how careful I am???
Recently my husband and I attended the fundraiser banquet for our local pregnancy resource center. My husband counted that this was our 8th year to attend! Every year, we have had a wonderful keynote speaker and have been able to invite several people from our church to see what our prc is doing. It's an eye-opener for many to see so many pro-lifers in one room. Well, I would say most attendees are very pro-life. The majority are there for the reason of supporting the center.
Some, may be there for the first time invited as guests who have no idea what the center does and may come out of curiosity. Some may be there because it's good to be there for election purposes. Some may be there because they were dragged there. No matter if the motive isn't in allegiance to helping the event, the main thing is they heard, maybe for the first time, a message of life. They see the pro-life community banded together. Like God's message of the Gospel, it plants seeds deep and at a later time, will mature. I AM praying for one in particular to really embrace the pro-life message.
Our keynote speaker this year was Governor Mike Huckabee. Again, I won't give spoilers in case he comes to YOUR event. He told a particularly powerful account of taking his (then) 11-year old daughter to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial in Israel. I understood his concern and vacillation to expose someone that young to something so horrific. I have faced a similar concern in the past in raising my children. We don't want our children too insulated so that they are only into themselves. However, we are saddened when they realize how much evil, and the depth of it, is in the world. It's only my opinion, but I think he handled that very well.
The former governor of Arkansas shared, with humor, his background in careers and callings. He spent time in advertising but then became a minister. It was the pro-life issues that pressed upon him to become involved in politics. Many politicians only become "pro-life" when it's politically expedient. Congressman Tom Tancredo once said, "I trust those conversions when they happen on the road to Damascus and not on the road to Des Moines". Amen to THAT!
Please, please, go see "October Baby" if it's in your area!!! If it's not, then maybe go find a showing in another city. :) If that is not feasible, then just wait for it on dvd. Share the link with others you know who may be able to to go see it. Urge family, friends and acquaintances! Pray it stays in the theaters a long time and that word-of-mouth keeps this movie spreading.
Our country is turning the tide for pro-life in the first time since 1996. We are now seeing a change in attitude and it's with the youth now. They are picking up the baton and running with it. Most are recognizing that there IS a baby in the womb (thanks to technology) and it's not a "blob of cells". They ARE recognizing that most of their generation is missing. They do see that their mothers and grandmothers who bought into the lie of "choice" were affected emotionally and mentally. They see the truth and as a result are willing to do something about it. Thanks to Lila Rose
and many youths getting involved in pro-life groups and clubs that engage high schools and universities, the issue of abortion is forefront. Hearts are changing and minds are searching for more information.
I'll just add this. One of the people who saw "October Baby" with us went home afterwards and spent a couple of hours on the internet researching. That is just the kind of thing that the abortion industry does not want! Multiply that with how many people will view this film (who may be new to pro-life or even this specific pro-life subject) and then pray for that curiosity and impact. The abortion industry thrives on ignorance and deception. This film will knock down some walls of ignorance and deception.
Psalm 73:21-23
Thus my heart was grieved, And I was vexed in my mind. I was so foolish ignorant; I was like a beast before You.
Nevertheless, I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand.
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