" pregnancy resource center in Cincinnati
reported that Protecting Black Life's Roll Call campaign helped save two
babies from abortion last week. The mothers had seen the billboards,
opening the door for heartfelt, honest conversation about the risks of
abortion. 'I pray and hope you can keep up the campaign," the staff
member wrote. 'Women in our community deserve to know these truths.'"
I am on the run today but wanted to put these quotes with this picture of the billboard. The billboards are no longer up but I pray that there will be another run of them in the future. It really is sad and amazing that with all the technology at our fingertips in 2014, that people are not aware of basic prenatal development AND the ignorance of deaths and numerous injuries from abortion. The thing is it takes curiosity and I am not sure we have a lot of that in a large supply with certain-aged groups.
“Today it is possible for almost any patient to be brought through
pregnancy alive, unless she suffers from. a fatal disease such as cancer
or leukemia, and if so, abortion would be unlikely to prolong, much
less save.. the life of the mother.” -Alan Guttmacher, former Planned
Parenthood president, 1987.
“People do not realize that there are
thousands of serious physical complications from abortion every year in
this country.”–Dr. Bernard Nathanson, OB Gyn. – former American abortionist and abortion-rights advocate.
“The impact of abortion on the body of a woman who chooses abortion is great and always negative. I can think of no benefit of a social abortion on a [woman’s] body.” – Daniel J. Martin, M.D.
“In medical practice, there are few surgical procedures given so little
attention and so underrated in its potential hazards as abortion. It is
a commonly held view that complications are inevitable.” – Warren Hern,
Boulder, CO abortionist.
The staff at Plaza Hotel are not having a good week. The hotel that gives discounts to women who are aborting their babies and shuttling them to the abortion mill, is not happy that they are getting a bit of publicity. As one person pointed out, "they are getting free publicity....and they are whining about it!" Why is that? As it was pointed out, the hotel owner agreed to this arrangement to do business with abortionists so why are they not proud to publicize their business relationship? The staff in place apparently do not seem to have a problem with this relationship with the abortion mill either. Why are they not using this as one of their amenities for Yelp and TripAdvisor? I am really not being facetious. Seriously, if they believe they are providing a service that is so wonderful and helpful, why are they not highlighting this business connection?
For those of you who are not aware of this story, here is the original post with links for background. Plaza Inn Hotel....abortion hotel
The group of concerned citizens gathered in front of the hotel to warn guests that the hotel had a connection with the local abortionists. I know that I would be personally grateful to know this information. I
would not want to subject my family (especially young children or teens) to the possible encounter of a woman going through the abortion
process in the next room. You could probably think of some possible scenarios
of complications that could arise with this situation. If you have children who you wanted to protect from seeing or hearing things you do not want to have to explain, you may be with me on this.
The staff at Plaza Inn asked the group to just not "protest THIS week" but next week was fine. The hot air balloon festival was taking place so they were expecting a lot of people. Again, I think the more people who know about their connection with abortionists, the better. The staff called the police but were very surprised to learn that the group was within their rights to gather there on public property. The last report I read was a name change for the Plaza Inn. Yes, indeed, the staff came out to the group and told them that they were changing the name of Plaza Inn. Hmmm. That is a huge cost when you think of things like letterhead, stationery, licenses, advertising, etc. Seriously? They still have the address of 900 Medical Arts Ave, NE. Name change or not, people need to know that their idea of hospitality involves the complicity in killing babies (and possibly mothers) whether they shuttle the woman to the abortion facility or whether the process is finalized in one of their hotel rooms. There is nothing neutral about any of that. I reiterate....what part of hospitality in the hotel industry allows the unborn guests to be slaughtered?
I have a great idea. Plaza Inn does not have to change their name at all and they could rid themselves of the groups in an instant permanently. Here is my idea. Completely dissolve the relationship with the abortion facility. Do not give discounts and do not shuttle anyone to the abortion facility. Do not have ANY connection with any of the abortionists in town. That is so breathtakingly simple.
If they ever do repent of this evil, then I do suggest a name change. Do an overhaul of the place and call it The Good Samaritan Inn.
So glad to be home again! I have had some sweet travels in the past 2 weeks but now it is good to be home for a while.
I came back to the news of Steven Chase Brigham's last license getting revoked. My initial reaction was mixed. It IS pretty good news and it is hard not to feel excited that the authorities have taken notice and are holding him accountable (for a change as there are so many abortionists who would be shut down immediately today if the authorities really cared about health). It IS heartening to think that his 8 facilities could shut down in New Jersey. We certainly need to pray for the other places in Virginia, Delaware and Pennsylvania to shut down as well.
In all the reading I have done on this abortionist, there seems to be a pattern. His license gets revoked or surrendered in different states but this does not stop him. Will they seriously shut down his mills? Even if they do, what will be his next move? He is still young enough (not at an age of retirement) and he seems to be pretty determined to continue his trade of killing babies (by the way, even abortionists admit they know that they are killing babies so we both call it as it is. They just lie to the women and tell her it is not a baby yet. To admit to the women that there is a baby involved is to kiss hundreds/thousands of dollars goodbye).
Anyway, Brigham's pattern is to find a new state and start his business again in a new location. The state of Maryland claimed they did not know about his shop in Elkton. They initially went after him after discovering 30 babies in the freezer, but a key witness got intimidated and backed out of testifying against him. That is not too surprising with the abortion cartel.
In Pennsylvania, Brigham just rolled his business into his mother's name to avoid the authorities since they ordered him to not commit any more abortions in their state.
Brigham has had
licenses revoked or surrendered in New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, and
California. Considering how it is so difficult to hold abortionists accountable, you know it has to be REALLY bad when they actually revoke abortionists' licenses. FIVE states have recognized and that Brigham should not be anywhere near a pregnant woman.
So it is with wariness when I see these things taking place. Will they really shut down 8 abortion mills? They should and that is where the prayer comes in because I know it will be God who permanently shuts them down and makes sure those properties are sold to businesses who would never be involved with abortion. Who ever thought Martin Haskell's property would be up for sale? http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/symbol-of-victory-haskells-sharonville-abortion-building-for-sale/Haskell's Place of Hell
Haskell was known for inventing the partial-birth abortion aka the D & E procedure. He admitted that 80% of the women who sought late-term abortions were not doing so because of fetal anomalies which is a common claim by the pro-abortion side. Clinic Quotes
Like with any abortionist or worker, Brigham and Haskell are messed up. They need a Savior and they need transformation. Only God knows what that will take and when if it ever happens. I always wonder if their hearts are too hardened to receive Him. Are they past redemption because of a seared consciences? Dr. Nathanson had 75,000 abortions in his past, including his own baby's abortion. I pray they are not too far gone. Prayer is a powerful force. I believe in it wholeheartedly because I have seen it work over and over for years. With God, it is not impossible for these abortionists to be saved. The only question is, will they continue to reject Jesus to the very last breath? They have that free will to do so.
Who ever thought of Paul having a conversion? I think of him when I think of abortionists because when you think of people who are the least unlikely to be totally transformed by Jesus (and it can be in an instant!), Paul comes to mind right away. Earlier this year, I heard the testimony of Dr. Haywood Robinson and his wife, Dr. Noreen Johnson. Both were abortionists and they became Christians and stopped performing abortions. Their transformation by Jesus led them to be voices for the unborn. Dr. Johnson gave a heartfelt apology, as a former abortionist, to all the people in the room who had ever suffered an abortion. That is restitution.
Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.
The last blog entry (the video "Tears of the Saints") addressed the subject of unreached people of the world.
China, I am physically unable to reach you at this moment. Same for you, North Korea, India, and Africa. I am sitting here in front of my computer with tears in my eyes and an ache in my heart.
There is a struggle in my mind though, as I type these words. It is so very easy to make a proclamation such as "if someone asked me to go right now to any of the above-mentioned places, no luggage...I would say, "Let's go!". The reality is I would be scared beyond belief. I have a lot of excuses for not going. There are some real obstacles but I know the Lord could and would remove them if He wanted me to be there.
Why, go? For the Gospel message to be shared. I addressed this in an earlier blog entry ("Cleaning the Causeway" 3-18-14). I was going to follow up with a part 2 but never did. After I read Jackie Pullinger's book Chasing the Dragon, I was shaken up by her experiences. My response was "I could do that! In fact, I want to do that! I could so love on those people!" Then I felt a tapping on my shoulder (well, tapping as the Lord taps). Lord, is that You? Was it Him asking these questions? I always want to be so careful attributing anything that I think might be from the Lord.
"How are you doing in that loving department? How are you loving your family? Your neighbors? Your churchmembers? Your community? Your "enemies"? I know your prayer life and your time in the Bible." Ouch, Lord. "Whatever you are not doing here, you won't do over there." Ouch, again. Oh, did I mention I am the most disorganized person ever? My memory (I meant the lack thereof) has had me worried lately too. Moses had his excuses too.
All of this was not what I wanted to admit in my blog in Part 2 so Part 2 never got written until now. SIGH. I am so messed up and weak and carnal. I am so comfortable and complacent. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. The good news is He is working on me and I am honestly trying to not just listen but also obey. Really, I am. I want beautiful feet! Romans 10:15 "And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!'"
Recently, we attended a missions' conference. After hearing the missionaries' accounts of reaching different areas of the world for Christ, I heard about the people they ministered to and fell in love with the villagers. The same excitement, to rush off on an airplane that very afternoon, hit again. Naw, not THAT feeling again. Please.
Drying my eyes, here..... I WANT to be in the center of His will. At this point in time, it looks as if He wants short-term mission trips for me. It also looks as if He wants (at least for now) me to reach a particular group of people who are also needing Jesus desperately....but they are not isolated as the people of North Korea.
I love going to Mexico and El Salvador. I also love sharing the Gospel with young girls and women who are in a crisis pregnancy situation. One of the missionaries reminded us at the conference that much of the world is coming to the United States. That is very true.
At our crisis pregnancy center, we used to have a world map hanging in the meeting room. Every time we had a client from another part of the United States or the rest of the world, we would put a pin in that location. It was wonderful to see all the different places represented. I realize now that some women stayed in the U.S. but some probably returned to their countries. Did they return as Christians to share with their communities back home? We will find out in Heaven.
I came across this article this afternoon (the link below about the Chinese twins). I contemplated whether to post it on social media or not. This is extremely heavy news to share. It was another jolt to remind me that I am comfortable, complacent and isolated in a bubble.
My heart aches for the parents and their family. My heart aches for those little babies. My anger is deep for the ones who perpetrated this act on them (as well as the whole evil mindset behind it all) but my heart also is broken that they do not know Jesus. Should any of these people die, they would go to Hell. Not just them but millions there who face the same plight. They have no resources, no help, no HOPE!! "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
From the article; "He said the policy has resulted in a sky-high suicide rate for Chinese women who face such a brutal and terrorizing regime."
Congressman Chris Smith reported that there are 120 boys born for every 100 girls which causes problems when there are not enough women available for marriage. This also permeates in many other areas and results in sex trafficking and prostitution. We see this same problem in India as well where girls are either aborted or left for dead soon after birth.
The suicide rate for women is extremely high in India as well. Suicide rates of Indian women
I read a report today that a woman committed suicide after she was forced to abort her daughter. The in-laws were upset that she already had a daughter and were going to make sure there was not a second girl in the family. These atrocities happen in many areas of the world but in China and India, it is happening at an astronomically high rate of occurrence.
I would love to reach out to these women. They are beyond my reach right now. It is not in the near forseeable future to be able to minister to them. I am not saying no to God in where and when He sends me but these tragic events are reminding me that I need to have the same fervor for the lost people who are in my sphere here and now.
Last week, I came across a quote by William Wilberforce (who dedicated his whole adult life to the eradication of the slave trade back in the late 1700's-early 1800's). He said, "If to be feelingly alive to the sufferings of my fellow creatures is to be a fanatic, I am one of the most incurable fanatics ever permitted to be at large." Wilberforce was a very strong Christian. He loved and believed God's word wholeheartedly. Was he possibly ever moved by THIS Scripture?
Matthew 9:36 "But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd."
I am reminded of a story about Betsie Ten Boom. She and her sister were imprisoned by the Nazis for hiding and protecting the Jews during WWII. One day, Betsie was cruelly whipped by the guard for not working hard enough. Still, she did not give in to hate and she prayed for the guards as well as the other prisoners. She and Corrie talked about what would happen after the war. Betsie was very concerned about the German people who were hurt by the evil of Hitler and she even included "the guards who had been taught to be so cruel." Initially, Corrie thought Betsie was talking about only the Jews but was surprised when she realized her sister was concerned for helping the ones who had imprisoned them.
"Corrie," she said, "we must tell people how good God is. After the
war we must go around the world telling people. No one will be able to
say that they have suffered worse than us. We can tell them how
wonderful God is, and how His love will fill our lives, if only we will
give up our hatred and bitterness."
With Jesus as their example and their conviction for the Great Commission, William Wilberforce, Jim and Elisabeth Elliot, the Ten Boom family and countless others have truly loved people and have acted on that love. Only with Jesus can we do that too.
I wonder if there are any Chinese Christians who are praying for that
opportunity to share God with the One Child Policy officials? I pray
that their hearts are not so hardened that they reject Jesus. I pray that they see the government officials and are moved with compassion. Lord, give us Your eyes for the shepherdless.
"We are raising the alarm about the competency
and safety concerns with all South Wind’s abortionists, which are a
very troubled lot with histories that should shake everyone’s confidence
in the clinic’s ability maintain accepted medical standards." -Troy
We can certainly pray that everyone's confidence would be shaken. NO ONE should ever have any confidence in ANY abortionist ever. The first reason should be a no-brainer....they purposely kill babies. Recently, a student in our training asked, "Whatever happened to 'Do No Harm'?" Physicians are supposed to heal people, not murder them. One often hears the abortion side say that the abortion decision should be left up to the woman and her doctor. I am sure they want us all to think that a kindly doctor is patting a woman's hand and smiling at her assuringly, "You'll get the best of care". The reality is that the majority of women are lined up like cattle and most likely never meet the abortionist. The high-pressure sales pitch rushes the woman or girl to "get rid of this problem" as it will "only take 10 minutes". This girl or woman is only a giant dollar sign. The abortionist comes in, kills the baby and leaves to go the next room with another girl waiting in stirrups. Just another payment for the BMW or his mansion. He will never see these girls again unless they return for another abortion. I doubt he would remember them if they did return. They have nothing invested in these women like a real doctor of a real practice would. Many of them travel to other states to do abortions. Those who see these abortionists are not patients, they are a commodity; abortionists see them as their customers. Real doctors are problem-solvers. Abortionists obviously, are not. Their only solution to everything is "Kill the baby....all your problems are solved".
Satan invented abortion and he has done the best to perfect the industry. He is behind all the lies, the feelings of desperation, the justification of it, the different methods, the power-grab, the eugenics, and the greed of it all. Every time I read a news account or hear a woman share about her abortion, it is not too long before Satan reveals himself in the mix. He is heavily involved from the get-go.
I read some time ago a quote of which will have to be paraphrased, that abortion is the only product that does not show you what you are buying. I could not find the exact quote and maybe it was Dr. Alveda King who said it. Either way, it is true because the whole industry is all about hiding what abortion is down to having difficulty in saying the word "abortion" in the first place. Even the president of the largest abortion provider avoids the word abortion so they sure are not going to show the actual procedure or result.
I included a few links below about different abortionists and their facilities from all over the nation. People need to read up on what is going on in these places and they need to do research on the abortionists as well. Some women are very determined to get an abortion and some are hesitant. I would never advocate for an abortion and of course would give them every bit of information to show them the facts about abortion and the risks attached to them. I would encourage her to see an ultrasound with a cpc who would let her see the baby and give her truth.
IF she is determined to continue with an abortion, she needs to find out everything they can about the facility and the abortionist. Abortionists and their workers are not personally forthcoming about things like lawsuits, frequency of ambulance calls, past deaths and other things like criminal backgrounds, rehab stays, revocation of licenses from other states, etc. One sure cannot get a good idea about ongoing mental illnesses or any present drug and alcohol addictions but it sure does not hurt to try to find out these things too. I think one of the most disturbing things I discovered in the abortion industry was about women being molested on the abortion tables. Read the book Lime 5 by Mark Crutcher.
Here is Planned Parenthood covering up a recent death at their facility:
It is a deviant industry to begin with but here is a shocker-of-a-story....California recently revoked the license of a mentally-impaired abortionist. Abortionist's License Revoked It has to be PRETTY BAD for California to revoke an abortionist's license. I do not think I really want to ponder on that fact too long. Then there is one of Michigan's abortionists acting in a bizarre manner in the courtroom. In reading his case, it seemed that the judge was not willing to put up with the abortionist's antics. It gave me some hope for judges. http://www.operationrescue.org/archives/michigan-abortionist-exhibits-bizarre-behavior-admits-mental-illness-at-revocation-hearing/
Those accounts are the teeny, tiny tip of the iceberg of the skankiest industry on earth. It really does not matter if the places are clean and sterile-looking or the abortionist is the most well-dressed and friendly-looking guy, one cannot escape the fact that abortion is the killing of a human being. Proverbs 6:16-18 These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: 17 A proud look, A lying tongue, Hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, Feet that are swift in running to evil
Nor will they cover themselves with their works; Their works are works of iniquity, And the act of violence is in their hands. 7 Their feet run to evil, And they make haste to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; Wasting and destruction are in their paths. 8 The way of peace they have not known, And there is no justice in their ways; They have made themselves crooked paths; Whoever takes that way shall not know peace.
“Whatever I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; and what you hear in the ear, preach on the housetops.And
do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But
rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.Are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin? And not one of them falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will.
It was a terrible day. Many of us watched the horror unfold on our television sets. We wondered what would happen next. Churches opened up their sanctuaries for corporate prayer but also to be available for the individuals asking spiritual questions.
We lived in a big city that was considered a possible target. Could there be more attacks? Were there plans to attack the West coast as well? Before we knew it, all flights were cancelled and the skies were empty of all commercial traffic nationwide. Would our nation recover from this? I
It is 13 years later and I am not going to play armchair pundit here. I have plenty of personal opinions about our security status but that could lead to a 2-foot long blog post. What I will share is that God is still faithful, still good and still in control.
Hebrews 13:7-9 "Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines..."
I have to close this blog entry sooner than I would like. It is probably for the best as I would ramble on like I often do! Whatever our circumstances are whether they are the loss of a loved one, a prolonged illness, financial concerns, difficult family members, we can look beyond our present situation and trust in the never-changing, loving and sovereign Creator and our perfect and holy Father in Heaven! As evangelist Ray Comfort would urge you....put your trust in Jesus....put Jesus on like you would a parachute! Jesus will never leave us nor forsake us!
I came across this in the past week or so on a Facebook post:
"Florida WWE wrestler Thaddeus Bullard (called "Titus O'Neil" in
the ring) was conceived in rape. His mother was raped at 11 years old by
her grandmother's boyfriend and became
pregnant. Despite being pressured to have an abortion, Bullard's mother
chose life for her baby. She also chose to raise him, though still a
child herself for much of his growing up.
Bullard is now a
proud father of two boys, and he's active in his kids' lives. We're SO
PROUD of Bullard's mother for her bravery and courage! Robbed of her own
innocence, her childhood, and her dreams, she still saw the value of
her baby and gave him the best life that she could. We are absolutely
BLOWN AWAY by her selfless example!"
I just posted the three archived radio interviews from Dr. Dobson's show on the subject of "Conceived In Rape" and decided I should add Bullard's story too but with a separate blog entry.
LUKE 12:6-7 “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God.But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."
:Matthew 6:26-30 “Therefore
I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what
you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life
more than food and the body more than clothing?LWhich of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? “So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin;and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?"
These Scriptures came to mind as I think of "intrinsic value". Intrinsic or Instrumental? From this article, the author defines intrinsic as "something that has value in itself. The value or worth that it has is inherent in its very existence." He continues with an example of of money for instrumental value. "Money itself is not valuable but it is valuable in that it can get something that has intrinsic value."
Recently, Richard Dawkins expressed that unborn babies diagnosed with Down Syndrome should be aborted and it was "immoral" to allow them to be born. Dawkins tweeted: "Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice." He has since "apologized" (of a sort?). Causing a firestorm on Twitter - all I can add to this is to pray for Richard Dawkins. He is an extremely lost individual. AND an individual he is too......one with intrinsic value! Why?
Genesis 1:26: Then
God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let
them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air,
and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Job 34:19 Yet He is not partial to princes, Nor does He regard the rich more than the poor;For they are all the work of His hands.
Richard Dawkins (who denies/rejects his Creator) is a work of His Creator's hands. Sadly, though, there are people who call themselves Christians who have the same mindset as Dawkins. They would say that those babies with Down Syndrome do not have intrinsic value. They would say that Thaddeus Bullard, Rebecca Kiessling, Darlene Pawlik and Faith Daniels do not have intrinsic value. I have heard them say it. They say, "I am pro-life except that Down syndrome babies and/or babies conceived in raped have no (intrinsic) value." Usually they just shorten it to "I am pro-life EXCEPT FOR".
In my reading, someone brought up a very good point. He said, "I have a friend who was conceived in rape, is it permissible to kill him NOW?" My own mother was adopted and I often wondered what the circumstances were with her conception? Had her mother been involved in a rape situation back in the 1940's, I doubt the details would have been shared for the great stigma. Whether there was a stranger involved or a date rape, it does not really matter. Just being pregnant out-of-wedlock was enough stigma back then. Regardless, I am grateful to the woman who gave my mother life and did not abort her. Anyhow, according to some, I would have no value as a human being due to my thyroid condition.
Intrinsic value starts at CONCEPTION! We never lose intrinsic value whether we move locations, lose a limb, get older, become comatose, become dependent on dialysis, medications or people, born with physical challenges, or are born with a particular amount of melanin, or are conceived in rape...or even conceived in Minnesota or Michigan (Faribault and Detroit respectively, in particular). ;)
Please read Psalm 139! It is so uplifting!
This verse was on Myers' Facebook page:
Psalm 100:3 Know that the Lord, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
**** Credit for the images above goes to Juda Myers from Choices 4 Life.
PART 3: Abuse. Sex trafficking. Rape. Back-alley abortions. Organized
Crime. Today on Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson continues to interview a
panel of women all of whom were conceived in rape. #abortion #rape
Recently, my husband and I attended a conference which focused on reigniting citizens' to participate in their nation's welfare and future. I will not go into the list of speakers at this time but each contributed a variation on a theme of freedom.
Some of the speakers were pastors. The link above is not the speech he gave but if you go to YouTube and look up Pastor Lawrence White, you can listen to his speech "The Soul of America". The story he tells of taking his sons to Germany is included in that and he also shared some elements of this speech as well.
I found this riveting as well as convicting. There was a time in my life that I was so apathetic to the workings and history of this nation. Then, I finally woke up and cared. Satan did not like that as that awakening led to my spiritual awakening. He hated that!
His passion is to lie and those messages are in whispers and also by airhorn. The airhorns came first. I tried to share and the ugliness roared back. I was kind of surprised by it because I was new to this new way of seeing the world. I had spent most of my life lulled by lies told to me and it was exciting, in a way, to share truth with others. Yet, the ones who I tried to share the newfound truth with were not at all interested. In fact, the ones who did not resist loudly yawned instead. Yawning? Yes. A big giant straining yawn. I tried to push a little bit and I poked as well. They just rolled over and went to sleep. We have the yellers and the yawners!
After reading the books about William Wilberforce and Dietrich Bonhoefer by Eric Metaxas, I felt validated. They faced the same reactions. The "problem" for me was that I was not a politician nor a theologian of great reputation and education. I can tell you for some people, it is super easy to put down a housewife and to look down on her diploma in medical transcription. Mind you, I am an extremely successful person but it is not the world's definition of success that makes me rich and secure in title.
This conference convicted me of complacency and some apathy that had crept back into my life. Maybe it was not so much apathy as it was resignation. It is not the same inaction I faced with the yellers and the yawners. They embraced their ignorance with zeal (maybe that is what caused them to be too lethargic to care). I have watched some politicians play their games and pretend. It is quite disconcerting. This quote from Pastor White's speech resonated with me. "American politics
consist largely of candidates without ideas, hiring consultants without
convictions, to stage campaigns without content … resulting in
elections without voters.” Again though, Wilberforce and Bonhoeffer squared off with their own pretenders of their days. The opposition they faced did not squelch their fervor.
As far as Christianity is concerned, we ought not to have timid politicians, timid pastors nor timid citizens. There was never any timidity with Christ!!!
William Wilberforce was told by John Wesley in a letter (andhow he must be spinning in his grave now!):
"Unless God has raised you up...you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils, but if God be for you, who can be against you? Oh, be not weary of well-doing."
Gerald Ford is, "We have an election in which candidates without ideas,
hire consultants without convictions, to carry out campaigns without
content." - See more at:
That is the key. God is the one who is for us so who can be against us?
I am patriotic and love my country BUT I am relieved that my citizenship is in Heaven. Until God decides the moment of taking us home, I am going to serve Him and resist evil. One of many ways of implementation may be in the form of voting or some activity (which could be political) of some kind. I do not want to be one of those Christians that turned away from the slave ship Zong nor Kristal Nacht.
"I must confess equally boldly that my own solid hopes for the well-being
of my country depend, not so much on her navies and armies, nor on the
wisdom of her rulers, nor on the spirit of her people, as on the
persuasion that she still contains many who love and obey the Gospel of
Christ. I believe that their prayers may yet prevail. —William
She is not so little anymore. Happy Birthday to my "Baby Girl"! She is 26 today.
I look back at this picture and have fond memories of when my children were little. It really went by in a blink. People warned me that my children would be grown before I knew it. Some of you readers know that in the day-to-day of diapers, feeding, little squabbles and cleaning up messes, it is difficult to see anything beyond the day or week. When they are newborns and toddlers, high school graduations, weddings and grandchildren are light years away!
My son's toddlerhood went by super quick though, as I was always anxious to see the very next milestone. Baby sister arrived very soon after and I looked into her little newborn eyes and told her, "Do not grow up fast! Stay a baby as long as you can!" What did she do? She did almost everything faster than her brother!
I do not have a son-in-law or a daughter-in-law or grandchildren at this point in time but look forward to those blessings in God's ways and timing. Right now, I am just going to enjoy my daughter's age of 26 and my son's age of 27. In a blink, they will be experiencing their own families' graduations and weddings and I'll be a grandma or great-grandma (God willing!).
I will admit it. I have been staring at this screen for about 15 minutes. I type a few sentences and then read and delete. It just happened about 3 times before I typed THIS sentence. The thing is I have been wanting to report on all this for a few days now but I put it off because it was Mother's Day. It was a also a great weekend with the Open House. I DO love to share joyous things and there is a time and place for everything. "I can't blog on disturbing issues today....it's National Sea Monkey Day!" Yes, it really is. No, actually, since it turned midnight 11 minutes ago, it is now Armed Forces Day and also National Pack Rat Day.
The problem I am having is that it is not just one story. As one of our dear members of our church youth group likes to say, "It is about connections" (he would interlace fingers at this juncture for emphasis and oh by the way, have I ever mentioned our church youth group is PHENOMENAL? Boasting in the Lord here). I have about 4 or 5 different stories that all boil down to one theme. So why ever did I start this at 11:40? It is Friday night and I do not have to be anywhere in the morning. I stayed up late last night and I do not want to start this pattern of late nights.
Also, I need to organize and the stuff is just swirling around my mind. Stuff swirling around in my mind does not make a pretty picture. This is not an essay for Composition class but I do like to have some semblance of order. Too late for that! How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time!
This is one of the stories I almost posted as a lone link and it got my blood boiling! I will post it now and follow up tomorrow.
Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above
rubies. She watches over the ways of her household, And does not eat
the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her: Proverbs 31:10, 27-28
This pro-life blog lady is hardly ever around and she is usually late in acknowledging holidays. Does she eat the bread of idleness?
Sometimes I do.
BUT NOT THIS WEEK!!! Really and for truly, it has been a busy week. There have been a lot of stories in the news that I have wanted to address. I thought about just posting the article links only to direct attention to the highlights with no commentary. Many of my readers are already on top of links and the latest news so I did not do that. Any time you want to contribute something new (pro-life related) from your area's news, please let me know.
This is a belated Mother's Day Greeting to all the mom's yonder out there. I share these tulips with you all. I was blessed by my husband, son and daughter on Mother's Day. I would love to share real flowers with all of you but these virtual ones will have to do.
We had our church picnic and our crisis pregnancy center's open house scheduled at the same time. Both were successful and it was a very pretty day weather-wise. It was a pretty fun and exciting day!
Recently, a great deal of renovation was completed at the center. It has been exciting to see the changes of new carpet, fresh paint, updated decor and improved allocation of space. God will accomplish His work in all kinds of surroundings. We have been grateful to have a location that has supplied so much to serve the families of our community. Yet now this same location is now remarkably spruced up which makes the place extra special! Returning clients have commented on how nice it looks. I love it when they come and say, "Do I have the right place?" I have heard that twice now but others at the cpc have heard it too.
Eventually, the goal is to expand with our own building but until that becomes a reality, this renovation will certainly help in the stewardship of the present resources. Plus, it is a bright and welcoming place for our clients to enjoy. God willing, it will just get better. Please continue to pray for this little sanctuary which with His light, shines in a place that has a reputation for darkness. When one also considers that over 3,300 babies are killed every day from abortion, it is also a time of darkness and we definitely need that little sanctuary of Christian hope right now.
Since it was Mother's Day weekend, it was fitting to celebrate the 30,000 new mothers that have been ministered to and served over the past 30 years of operation. It has been because of God's faithfulness and His dedicated servants that our little crisis pregnancy center has stayed open. This community's (churches, individuals, businesses, etc.) generosity of baby clothes, formula, diapers, educational pamphlets, evangelism tracts, monetary gifts, office supplies, hours and hours of volunteer labor/tasks, all kinds of services in the form of cleaning and repairs, as well as hours of outreach.
We have experienced thirty years of this generosity! It is the Good Samaritan community that does not leave the neighbor for dead like some of the others did. Instead, the Good Samaritan takes that hurt soul to the inn and says (and yes, I am paraphrasing), "Help me care for this person. Let us partner to bring this soul to full health." This applies to also being kind to the wicked and unjust, not just the people we like! We just want to apply His word, share the Great Commission, obey and love Him and love others like He loved/loves us. Until He takes us home, that is what we will keep doing.
Since it was the crisis pregnancy center's 30th anniversary and that is the "pearl" anniversary, I looked up pearl in the Bible and came across this:
Matthew 13:45-46 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
Sometimes it is really difficult to wrap our minds around numbers. Someone sent me an email many years ago showing what a million looked like but I think the focus was in a million cigarettes, plastic bottles and plastic bags. I went searching to see if it was out there on the "intraweb" as my husband jokingly calls it. There was no success but it was a cursory search.
Immediately, I thought of the number of babies lost to abortion when this email came to me. Over the years, I have seen different examples to show what that loss would look like. The above video shows it in states which is helpful but you have to have a good idea of population in those locations. Someone from New York may not have an inkling of what Montana's population is like. Although, some from New York may be more concerned about the moose population over the people population (notice I said "some"). Likewise, any person who has never visited a city over 1 million in population may not grasp 1 million people missing.
Unless you lined people up, or placed them in a stadium or however you
like to picture it, the number of 55,000,000 is not easy to understand.
I am not a numbers-crunchin' kind of gal. Yet, another video came to
light recently that did help me grasp the horrible enormity of human life
Even ONE abortion is too many. The standard is high....zero abortions. Since 1973, our nation has been annhilated by the sin of secular humanism. The sin of pride that says that humans are higher than God and humans ways are better than God's ways, not the other way around.
I watched this video and kept saying "Stop" and "Oh no, not another container....certainly this is the last". I thought about a lot of people God created who never got a chance to live their lives. Then I started thinking about the people God created who I know now. Think of a thousand people you know either presently or have known in the past. Even those 1,000 would only represent one bead in that cylinder.
Sidenote here: I love babies very much. My family kind of pokes gentle fun about my love for babies and how I will always zero in on babies (and toddlers) in public. The world is going to Hell in a luge but a sleeping baby or a little toddler waving hello just gives me that one little moment of bliss. I will still take the picture of a baby spitting-up and a toddler throwing a tantrum over having to see or hear Alan Grayson or Debbie Wasserman-Schultz/Wendy Davis. Who? Oh, politicians having tantrums and whine-fest spit-ups. Gotcha'!
The reason I bring up babies is that one in four babies is aborted. Can you imagine going out today and counting one out of four babies as gone? That's sick and heartbreaking. The ironic thing is we may never know if one of those babies was rescued at the last minute from abortion. I know of some and I am so grateful they are here with us.
In my family we have had 17 people (and most likely it will keep growing) born as a result of one woman making a choice for life instead of death. Out of the 8 grandchildren, we may see 16 or 24 + great-grandchildren someday. When you think of the family trees missing from 55 million (and that number is the least amount of recorded, surgical abortions since 1973), we are missing many more cylinders of people.......just for the United States.
It is mind-boggling. Some will scream "population control" and "overcrowded planet" but I have long since learned that those are lies just like every lie that is attached with abortion.
I am going to end this blog on a vision that takes place in Heaven. The video is of an empty glass cylinder. All abortions stopped, all of the beads gone. The babies who were aborted are there along with the babies who died from miscarriage as well as the babies who died just hours, days, weeks, months (and yes, toddlers...) after their earthly arrival. King David lost his baby son and he said, "And he said, “While the child was alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, ‘Who can tell whether the Lordwill be gracious to me, that the child may live?’ But now he is dead; why should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.” 2 Samuel 12:22-23.
I know God is good, just and compassionate. His promises are faithful. While I do not know specifically all of His plans and ways because He is God, I know and trust in His plans and ways will be perfect. Heaven will be a place of no more pain and no more tears! I am looking forward to Revelation 22:20-21 He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
There are quite a few pro-abortion people on my facebook page and the only response from them is SILENCE. They post about Caylee Anthony's murder trial ("oh the injustice of that trial") and place multiple posts about bullying.....but there is no response for the ultimate bullying....the killing of a baby. There is no response about the injustice of letting an abortionist free to kill women and babies another day. They defend Planned Parenthood who has been documented for covering up child rape and forced abortions.
I will keep trumpeting this message over and over. Maybe some will tire of it and maybe some will share. If I turn blue from all my trumpeting,....so be it. Maybe someone will find this blog and share it and save a woman and her baby's life. Even if it is for that one mom and her baby, it will have been worth it.
Maybe one pro-abortion dupe (like I used to be) will finally see the light and start her or his own blog and influence a new community. Maybe she or he will do more than that. I just pray that we can prevent more Lakisha Wilson's, Jennifer Morbelli's, Tonya Reaves', and the hundreds of others like them who have been swept under the rug.
Proverbs 24:11-12 Deliver those who are drawn toward death,And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter.
If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighsthehearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?
If you have not read the latest report in the pro-life circles, please click on the following link to familiarize yourself: Lakisha Wilson
On the morning of March 21, 2014, Lakisha was getting ready for her abortion appointment. Tragically, it was not her first appointment of the kind. She knew the procedure and she might have known that facility very well. Yet, I doubt she ever gave it one thought that she would end up the subject of some lady's pro-life blog over 1,000 miles away just days later.
Abortionists and their proponents would love nothing better than to sweep Lakisha's name and story under the rug. They do not want you to know a woman died as a result of a lie which keeps them in plenty of business! They claim abortion is safe and out of the mythical "back-alley" and they have a lot of people fooled.. I hear the regurgitated lies from the 1960's repeated ad nauseum on the pro-life websites wherever comments are allowed. For you to know the truth would be an end to the abortionists' lavish lifestyles. It would be an end of a sick power and hatred that feeds this industry. Where is this abortionist? Does this abortionist care about the young mother's death or just care about getting caught? Most likely the abortionist only cares for the latter.
The proverbial rug and broom have to go! Lakisha's story is not going to be forgotten. These abortionists and their ilk should have no place to hide. There should be no safe harbor for their practices and excuses. As soon as more information comes to light, it will be posted here and frequently.
I encourage you to read the stories of these women. Given that 1 out of 3 women in childbearing ages will have had an abortion by the age of 45, you are in contact with someone who has had an abortion. She may have not confided as such to you, but these women (both the dead and the injured) are our loved ones....wives, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, cousins, nieces, neighbors, coworkers, classmates and fellow churchmembers. For their sakes, let us be the mouthpieces so no more abortionists will ever hurt any of our loved ones/neighbors ever again!!!
who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is
condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only
begotten Son of God.And
this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and
men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. John 3:18-20
Remember Kermit Gosnell? The serial killing abortionist from
Philadelphia who ran a clinic where he performed illegal late-term
abortions, murdered babies born alive, and killed at least one woman
during a botched abortion... That Kermit Gosnell.
He's America's biggest serial killer—claiming more victims than Gary Ridgeway, John Wayne Gacey, The Zodiac Killer and Ted Bundy...combined. Yet
the mainstream media has hushed up any discussion of this case because
of the politically incorrect fact that Gosnell was an abortionist.
We just read a great article in the Hollywood Reporter about a
pair of rebel journalist filmmakers who wanted to break the silence of
the Kermit Gosnell case and expose the horrors of abortion to the world
and the appalling media cover up of the story. I know we can help this
film become not only a reality, but also a success.
For the past 10 years filmmakers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinny have
made it their mission to bring to light stories the media ignores. Their
latest project is no different. They are setting out to create film to
expose Kermit Gosnell and show you what the media doesn't want you to
Ann and Phelim are taking to Indiegogo
for what is the biggest "ask" in crowd funding history (for a movie).
Previously, the biggest "ask" was $2 million dollars for a film called, Veronica Mars,
a movie about a teenage detective. They are asking for $2.1 million
dollars to surpass that record and it is up to us to help finance and
support this film.
This is your chance to take a stand. So often we are forced with no
other choice but to complain about the lack of coverage from the MSM on
pro-life and conservative issues with no way to speak up and challenge
the issue. Now, just a few clicks away you have that opportunity to DO SOMETHING.
Major news outlets and Hollywood want to ignore what happened in
Philadelphia and the realities of abortion, but you don't have to. We don't have to take it, we can make our own film.
Share this project with your friends and family. Post the www.GosnellMovie.com link on your Facbook page, share on twitter, forward this email to your friends. This story will not stay silent any longer.
Our friends at Movie to Movement are spreading a culture of life,
love and beauty. They believe this film will help to do exactly that. It
is our mission to make sure films like this succeed so that we can
change hearts and minds across the country.
This link from Operation Rescue reports that a 22 year-old woman died at an abortion facility in Ohio. Hopefully, more facts of the story will follow in the future. This all took place just days ago on March 21st. Of course, I start to think about the whole scenario and about the aftermath with her loved ones. Did her family know? Did anyone pressure her or even try to talk her out of it? Was she told it was "safe" and would be "no big deal"? Was she told "it is not a baby, only a blob of cells"?
The sad fact is this young woman believed several lies to find herself on that abortion table. She believed the lie of Satan that abortion was the solution to the problem in her mind. She believed the lie that her baby did not have intrinsic value in God's eyes. She believed the lie that she herself did not have value in God's eyes. She believed the lie that God would not provide for her and her baby. There were probably many other lies she believed to get her in that abortion facility.
We do not know how God will use this but He will (Genesis 50:20). Not only is God the Great Physician, He is the Great Economist. He uses everything, no small detail escapes His notice or use. Pray for her loved ones, pray for those inside that abortion facility and pray for this to receive wide attention to benefit others.
Kermit Gosnell was not alone in his exploits. There are many others out there and just because we have a media that is sympathetic to abortionists does not mean there cannot be any coverage. This young victim's community needs to know what happened. Enter in "Do-It-Yourself" Journalism. "Tweetfest" and "Journalism" are now together like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. We, "the little people", need to blog, Facebook, Tweet and whatever else is at our disposal to sound the alarm.
I am not a tech-savvy person (that is quite obvious if you have been following this blog at all). Regardless, with whatever sad and pathetic skills I do possess, I will let people know about the life-threatening injuries, the deaths and the situations that result via the abortion industry.
There are many methods of stopping abortion. God will call us to those different areas and in different ways according to how He wired us. James 4:17 "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." Are we called to be watchmen on the walls? Are we to stand in the gap? In addition to obeying the command to spread the Great Commission, I am called to spread God's truths and to warn about Satan's lies. I am only to be obedient and to leave the results to God.
Prayer can close an abortion facility. We do not know the timing or the ways but it can be done. Obviously and ideally, we want all of them shut down permanently at the same time. That will be done when this earth is no more. In the meantime, we are living in a fallen and dark world with a bunch of sinners.
Abortionists, as I have mentioned before, usually get away with their dark practices. It IS frustrating when the news gets out about an abortion facility that so many people knew what was going on but just looked the other way. In Gosnell's case, many different departments did know that there were despicable things going on but they just only pointed fingers. If you visit the website www.realchoice.blogspot.com website (link at the bottom of my blog website), you can read about abortionists were convicted and went to trial but were allowed to continue their practices. It was not that they were not guilty, the pro-abortion judges just overturned the sentence or they just slapped lightly on the wrist with a small fine.
I try not to be a cynic when I see reports like these. The police raided the abortionist's place of operation. Evidence seized, observations recorded. Complaints filed. Yes, I am glad it happens but then what? Will it go to trial? Will he receive another light fine? Will he be sent to jail? I do not think it is very likely. I am actually shocked that Gosnell got life in prison. After all, the abortionist Rapin Osanthanondh got a 2 year month prison sentence for killing Laura Hope Smith. He got a plea bargain deal that dropped it to 6 months and he got early release in 3 months. After, that he was wearing a bracelet in his 2 million-dollar home. See what I mean? Osanthanondh Guilty
We have had over 40 years of lawlessness. We see the same patterns of letting abortionists kill and maim with zero or little accountability.
No one is going to prison for killing Tonya Reaves after leaving her to hemorrhage for over 5 hours! They are still in operation. The fact that these places stay open to maim and murder just speaks volumes about the pro-abortion crowd's claims that they "care" for women. It is the pro-life crowd that actively shows up, exposes the evil, and files complaints with the authorities. Again, we will see what happens.
• Boxes of paper were found stored near a furnace, some papers within 1 inch of a heat source.
• Remains from an aborted baby stored in the same refrigerator as medications.
• Oxygen tanks and other emergency equipment lacking proper maintenance or just not working.
• Infection control lapses.
• Employees laundering soiled linens at home.
• A nitrous oxide tank discovered in 2010 with an expiration date of Dec. 3, 1989.
• General clutter and untidiness at his clinics that were “too numerous to list.”
In search of information, I came across this report from 1928. Abortionist to face death penalty.
You can read the result of that case. Gosnell faced the death penalty initially but he and his lawyers sprung into action to prevent that. Gosnell certainly valued his own life!
I want evil to be exposed and stopped. I want the justice system to work and to see justice be done. It is puzzling that the people who are pro-abortion and claim that they "care" about women do not want abortionists exposed and stopped as well. Every time I post an article such as this on my Facebook page, the pro-aborts are totally silent. For the people I know who have claimed that they care about women, I keep waiting for a response, a question, or even a repost. Will they ever act?
We are in that fallen and dark world so therefore, it is to be expected that there is injustice, unfairness and lawlessness. Regardless, I will continue to trust in the Lord and remember His ways, thoughts and timing. I am very grateful to those pro-life warriors who dedicate their lives to save the babies, mommies and daddies. They even reach out to the abortionists and their workers. Jesus does save!
Deuteronomy 32:3-5
3 For I proclaim the name of the Lord: Ascribe greatness to our God. 4 He is the Rock, His work is perfect; For all His ways are justice, A God of truth and without injustice; Righteous and upright is He. 5 “They have corrupted themselves; They are not His children, Because of their blemish: A perverse and crooked generation.
Here's the Texas Prairie Dog popping up out of the tunnel. I have been traveling and about all kinds of business here and there. The wind has been rather blustery recently and causing all kinds of stuff to blow around. All this affects my sinuses so basically I had no concentration yesterday to blog.
I will catch a news report here and there about pro-life issues and I have such an eagerness to post it here on the blog. Usually this happens when I realize that I need to be out the door in about 30 minutes or dinner needs to be cooked, etc. By the time I really get the block of time I want to spend for what qualifies in MY mind as "quality writing", I am pretty much done-in....shattered.....kablooey? What's kablooey? That's the sound of my brain imploding at the end of the night. I am a great procrastinator on top of all of this.
Then there are those days that I just contemplate that maybe there isn't really any reason to blog any reports. All the websites that report these things are at everybody's fingertips already. The information in this huge world is at everyone's disposal by only a click away. This is a redundant website. Then add the fact that I am not a very organized person. That is an understatement. I am a very disorganized person but always fighting those disorganzed tendencies.
Yet, I am back here now...with a headache, a list of things to do, a pile of papers next to this computer and a load of subjects that could be blogged. Well, I am sort of here....for a little while. I have a board meeting tonight in a faraway land (Yes, I hear you locals chuckling at that).
What is on my mind? Loving the unlovable. I am almost finished with a book called Chasing the Dragon. I found it on a table at a conference this past weekend. I had always wanted to read abut Jackie Pullinger but never followed up on it. Jackie's story is about a British woman who goes to Hong Kong in the 1960's and reaches out to the Triad gangs, opium and heroin addicts and the prostitutes in the Walled City. God used her to reach hundreds of very lost souls in the worst conditions imaginable.
I am not going into any detail about this right now. Call it processing, mulling or pondering but I am still in a mode of examination at this point. I know I don't love as Jesus does. Since I was saved, I love more than I used to do and yet, realistically, at times, I love less than I used to in many other ways. If that sounds confusing, I am blaming it on my headache!!!
At the end of the day though, I do know this:
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
That pretty much covers Jackie's story in a nutshell. Put me in that group of sinners just as spiritually destitute as those addicts and gang members. I am cleansed and healed by His stripes but also still very much a work-in-progress.
Well, that is it for now. I have a lot of stuff percolating in this aching brain but I really need to go pray. Pray for my headache, pray for my wicked heart, and pray for a lot of people and situations.