
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Firestone, Please Meet Farrington Road

Many pro-abortion advocates accuse pro-lifers of only caring for the baby before the birth.  Here's a couple that puts Christ's love in action towards the baby after the birth.  Adam's physical challenges may look daunting but he is by no means, an unwanted child!  God wanted Adam!  Roger and Jessica wanted Adam! They are truly putting the rubber to the road in loving "the least of these".

"Unwantedness" is a lie from Satan and we know for a fact that Planned Parenthood is all about the LIE.  Their motto has been "every child a wanted child" which there is no such thing.  Many would look at Adam and say, "That child is deformed" and they would be talking about his physical traits mostly because they really don't know his mental capacities.  The worst thing though, is the deformity of unbelief in God's power and provision which causes spiritual blindness, spiritual hardness of heart, and a spiritual deformity of that dulled mind. 

Yes, pray for Adam, his family and the medical personnel who are ministering to this family.  They all need prayer!  It's important to pray for them but God will provide for them in the best way for them.  More importantly, pray for those with the deformity of unbelief.  Pray for that cure of the Holy Spirit to seep into the smallest hairline cracks in the hard hearts.  Pray for the Holy Spirit to hammer the diamond cataracts of the eyes!  Satan's lies causes sclerosis of the soul so we pray for the Holy Spirit to stent those blocked channels.  "I believe! Help my unbelief".  

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Home Again

"Where is that crazy girl who writes pro-life stuff sometimes?"

Sorry, friends!  I have been out of the country this past week.  In fact, I left on the day of my 28th wedding anniversary.  It was my intention to at least post a little paragraph denoting that awesome day.  It didn't happen because in typical fashion of all major trips I take, I pretty much don't sleep the night before and I do packing, cleaning and general organization up to the minute I leave. 

So let me start off by saying that I have had a marvelous 28 years with my dear husband and I love him more and more every day.  The funny thing is he was not originally slated to go on the mission trip with me but through some unforeseen events that took place, God decided that he should go after all.  Even though we did not get to sit next to one another on the plane, it was a joy to have him with our group.  :)  

Our mission trip was phenomenal.  This was my fourth visit and so for me it was a reunion to be able to see many of the same folks.  We did some outreach but it seemed that this was more about edifying the ones who needed some encouragement--the ones in the trenches and maybe feeling battle-weary.  We labor together for Christ and it doesn't matter what language we speak or sometimes how many miles separate us, we do need to encourage each other!  We are in the world but not of it but even being in the world is a hard task.  We are barraged with the religions of humanism, atheism, paganism and all the nasty isms that go against God.  We get singed by the surroundings at times.  While we traveled to encourage and bless, more of the opposite happened with them encouraging and blessing US. 

I will write more on this later as it's about time to go to church.  We'll be sharing our testimonies about the trip.  Of course, my mind goes blank in front of any group larger than about 5 people and my words start to resemble something like yabba dabba doo...or some foreign language of an alien variety.  I can glorify God in that language, right? 

The amazing thing is that even though I am not very good with trying to speak certain languages, the Holy Spirit intervened many times with different individuals during the past week.  Still, please pray for me to buckle down and really study this year to master more vocabulary, verb conjugations and better pronunciation and recall.  It would be so much better to be able to not refer to a tiny booklet from "Spanish In Your Car" cassette tape set.  No bueno.

I apologize for the blog drought.  Some seasons are dry bur here's a drip!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Attention Atlanta, Georgia Community!

While I am not planning to be staying in any Atlanta, Georgia hotels any time soon, I am definitely keeping three of these hotels off my list to patronize.  

Hotels Offer Discounts to Abortionists' clients

And it certainly makes me think about OTHER hotels in other states practicing the same evil deeds.  These "hotels" are lending themselves to be extensions of their local abortion mills.   You are not sleeping in a hotel, you are sleeping in an abortion facility!

A woman visits an abortion mill.  The late-term procedure takes 2-3 days.  Her abortion procedure progresses to the point when she may deliver her baby into the toilet of a hotel room.  She can call the abortion facility and they would come to take the baby out of the toilet and any necessary acts to complete the process of killing the baby.  The hotel will even give a discount for this to take place on their property.   Is the woman crying out?  Will she have any complications?  Let the hotel spring into action to assist with any of her personal needs.  

This abortion mill has Tyrone Malloy, who not surprisingly, has a shady background.  Do the hotels know of his past or his "track record"? 
Dr. Tyrone Malloy's past-due for shutting down

The hotel clerk admits to that medical emergencies have taken place at their  hotel.  Do these paramedics show up at a back door?  Would you want your 3 or 13-year old to witness such a scene?   This is a place to take your family?   Do you really want to associate with a hotel that gives aid to an abortionist?

Conversation with hotel clerk

Pray for Meredith.  I wonder how often she gets questioned in so much detail?  How much does she know about the actual events that take place under that "roof of hospitality"?   Maybe the caller made her think about these issues for the first time.  Pray for Meredith! 

I have never been in the hotel industry, but it comes to mind sometimes that hotel staff members must have some very bizarre accounts they have heard about or have experienced.  Anyone who serves the public in such a manner would probably be sensitive about their name and reputation.   1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us "Do not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits.'"  Even if the hotel owners are not Christian, do they really want to associate with someone who murders?  Tyrone Malloy's (and probably Carhart's, et.al) reputation is to murder.   Does a hotel really want to be known as ABORTION hotels?   If word got out, would they be quick to disassociate their business from Malloy?

One more question I have to ask is if they have no problem with the littlest future patrons being murdered......would I truly want my family's safety and welfare in their hands?